The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1846 Fanwai: Xueluo 9 Songs

Chapter 1846 Fanwai: Xueluo Nine Songs (26)

Hearing this, Wang Xueluo was taken aback.Afterwards, she laughed and said, "Of course!"

So, he drank the water in the cup in one breath, and then continued talking.

It has to be said that this Wang Xueluo is indeed a good storyteller, and everyone was fascinated by it.Wang Xueluo had no choice but to stop until the palace servants came in and asked when Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang would serve meals.

Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan still had more to say, looking at Wang Xueluo, they said, "Auntie, after dinner, can you continue talking to us?"

Without waiting for Wang Xueluo's answer, Yehuang spoke directly, and said, "Tuantuan and Yuanyuan, mother will keep auntie here for a while, so you can't make auntie work too hard. Today auntie has been talking for a long time, you Let Auntie take a break."

"Okay!" Yuanyuan replied with some reluctance.She really wanted to listen to it again, but Mother also said that she couldn't make Auntie too tired.

Therefore, even if she still wanted to listen, she could only endure it temporarily.

For a meal, Wang Xueluo ate a little cautiously, because Shangguan Yuntian's aura was too strong, which made her a little scared.

After dinner, Ye Huang asked to take Wang Xueluo down to rest.Only then did Beichen Jiuge find a chance to talk to her.

"Miss Wang, you are very good at telling stories, and you are very vivid, which fascinated me."

"Young master Beichen praised you. Xueluo has no other skills, so it's okay to tell a few stories."

Beichen Jiuge smiled when he heard the words, and asked a little curiously: "I'm just a little curious, are all the stories the girl told before true?"

"What, you suspect that I'm lying to you?" Wang Xueluo stopped and looked at Beichen Jiuge.What she said was all true, not even a trace of exaggeration.

After all, Yehuang also came from the same place as her, so she couldn't fool her even if she wanted to.

"No, I'm just curious. If I have the chance, I must visit Miss Wang's hometown."

"Okay, when you get there, you will know that what I said is absolutely true, without a trace of moisture."

Unfortunately, the chances of this are slim.Even she herself didn't know if she could go back, let alone him?
After the two exchanged a few words, they arrived at the place where Wang Xueluo lived.After Beichen Jiuge watched her go in, he told the people around him, "Bring a few plates of snacks to Miss Wang."

Beichen Jiuge knew that Wang Xueluo hadn't eaten enough before, and the two often ate together during this time. He was very clear about Wang Xueluo's appetite.

Today, she only ate half of her usual meal at most, so she must not be full.Beichen Jiuge could tell that Wang Xueluo was a little afraid of Shangguan Yuntian.

Also, how many people are not afraid of the might of the Son of Heaven?

When Wang Xueluo returned to her place of residence, she was about to lie down and rest, when the maid who served her suddenly came in and said to her: "Miss Wang, Mr. Beichen sent some snacks, do you want to eat some before you rest?"

Wang Xueluo was taken aback when he heard the words, and then thought of the fact that he didn't have enough to eat because he was a little afraid of Shangguan Yuntian, his heart throbbed slightly.

However, this throbbing was quickly suppressed by her, and she said to herself in her heart, don't be tempted, don't be tempted.Beichen Jiuge must have a wife, and she must not become a mistress.

Even in this ancient times, mistresses were recognized.She, Wang Xueluo, would never fall in love with someone she couldn't like, and she had no interest in being a mistress.

To be a mistress is to be thunderbolt.

(End of this chapter)

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