The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1849 Fanwai: Xueluo 9 Songs

Chapter 1849 Fanwai: Xueluo Nine Songs (29)

Could it be that she is embarrassed?
Thinking of this, Beichen Jiuge suddenly called out: "Come here!"

Following his shout, a young eunuch quickly came to him and asked, "Young Master Beichen, what are your orders?"

"Go and get a bottle of painkillers for my young master. Also, bring some tea and snacks."

"Yes!" The eunuch retreated, and Beichen Jiuge walked towards the pavilion.

After entering the pavilion, looking at Wang Xueluo who was sitting and rubbing his nose, Beichen Jiuge didn't know what to say for a moment.He looked at Wang Xueluo, opened his mouth for a long time, and finally uttered three words: "I'm sorry!"

Hearing Beichen Jiuge's apology, Wang Xueluo was taken aback, looked up at him, and couldn't react.She never thought that Beichen Jiuge would apologize to her.Moreover, in fact, it was not entirely Beichen Jiuge's responsibility just now, she was also responsible.

If it wasn't for her not looking at the road, she wouldn't bump into Beichen Jiuge and hurt her nose.

"It's not your fault!" Wang Xueluo came back to his senses, waved his hand immediately, and said, "I didn't see the way myself."

After saying this, the pavilion became quiet again. Neither of them spoke. The atmosphere was a bit awkward, which made Wang Xueluo very uncomfortable.I want to break this atmosphere, but I don't know what to say.

In the end, she still didn't say anything.

The same goes for Beichen Jiuge, who felt awkward for the first time.He wanted to care about Wang Xueluo, but he didn't know how to say it.

When both of them were struggling, the little eunuch who had left before came back, and he walked into the pavilion with a food box in his hand.

The little eunuch put the food box on the table, took out a bottle of medicine from his body, and handed it to Beichen Jiuge.

Beichen Jiuge took the medicine, opened it and smelled it, and after confirming that it was what he needed, he got up and walked towards Wang Xueluo.

Wang Xueluo looked at Beichen Jiuge walking towards him, feeling a little puzzled, when he was about to ask him, Beichen Jiuge had already spoken first, and said, "Sit still, I'll give you some medicine."

After finishing speaking, Beichen Jiuge poured out the medicine, and then wiped it directly on Wang Xueluo's nose.

Beichen Jiuge's hand was very warm, but the medicine was very cold, but when both fell on his nose, Wang Xueluo felt extremely comfortable.

I don't know if it was because the medicine was comfortable, or Beichen Jiuge's hands were too warm, but Wang Xueluo was completely stunned and forgot to react.

Until Beichen Jiuge finished applying the medicine, and then said softly, "Okay!"

Only then did Wang Xueluo come back to her senses, and her face immediately turned red.God, she let a man touch her nose.

I have never been so close to any man since I grew up.Don't talk about touching your nose, and you haven't even held hands with any man.

But today, Beichen Jiuge touched her nose, more than once.Isn't it said in ancient times that men and women are not intimate?

So what is Beichen Jiuge doing?Inadvertently, or on purpose?
The more Wang Xueluo thought about it, the redder his face became. Soon Beichen Jiuge noticed and asked, "Miss Wang, what's wrong with you? Have you got a fever? Why is your face so red?"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Xueluo wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in, so that her face turned redder and redder.

Beichen Jiuge looked at her, very worried, and raised his hand to touch her forehead to see if she really had a fever.

Seeing Beichen Jiuge's movements, Wang Xueluo was startled, then jumped up, took a few steps back, and said, "I'm fine, it's just a little hot."

(End of this chapter)

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