The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1857 Fanwai: Xueluo 9 Songs

Chapter 1857 Fanwai: Xueluo Nine Songs (37)

What she, Wang Xueluo, hated the most in her life was the kind of scumbag who was always on the move, eating what was in the bowl and looking at what was in the pot. Even if he was not married, he couldn't change his true nature as a scumbag.

She has never had a good face towards such a scumbag.If it weren't for the fact that Beichen Jiuge gave her a job, and the two of them had been together for so long, they were more or less friends, she would have turned her face now.

"Why isn't it suitable?" Beichen Jiuge asked without thinking too much.Unexpectedly, Wang Xueluo's face sank and said, "Do you think it's suitable?"

Beichen Jiuge sensed Wang Xueluo's change, saw that she was angry, and asked in puzzlement, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing!" Wang Xueluo didn't want to talk to Beichen Jiuge anymore, she felt that Beichen Jiuge and her were not the same.

When it comes to feelings, she has always been reserved. She doesn't like the kind of people who have someone in their hearts and still like others.Therefore, even if Beichen Jiuge didn't get married, even if his condition was very good, she wouldn't like him.

"Miss Wang, what's wrong with you? Did I say something wrong?" Beichen Jiuge asked Wang Xueluo, recalling what she had said to him before.

After such a recollection, I immediately understood what the problem was, so I said, "Miss Wang, you have misunderstood me. It is good that I have someone I like, but, but that person is you."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Xueluo was stunned, looking at Beichen Jiuge, his mind couldn't react.Did she hear correctly just now, is she the one that Beichen Jiuge said he likes?
How is this possible?How could Beichen Jiuge like her?If he really liked her, why didn't she feel it at all after being together for such a long time?

Beichen Jiuge looked at Wang Xueluo in a daze, and couldn't help calling out, "Miss Wang?"

"What?" Wang Xueluo regained consciousness, looked at Beichen Jiuge, but didn't hear what he just said.

Seeing her like this, Beichen Jiuge laughed.At this moment, Wang Xueluo's stupid look fell into his eyes, and he thought it was extremely cute.

"Miss Wang, you haven't answered my question yet?" Beichen Jiuge stepped forward, rubbed Wang Xueluo's beautiful hair lightly, and reminded.

"What's the question?" Wang Xueluo looked up at Beichen Jiuge, completely forgetting what he asked him before.

At this time, all her mind is focused on the sentence that Beichen Jiuge said before, "It's good that I have someone I like, but that person is you".

Therefore, she couldn't remember what Beichen Jiuge said before that.

"I asked Miss Wang if she was married?" Beichen Jiuge repeated the question he had asked before, and then looked at her with some trepidation.

At this moment, Beichen Jiuge couldn't help feeling nervous.He was afraid, afraid that Wang Xueluo would tell him that he was married.

Wang Xueluo glanced at Beichen Jiuge, then lowered his head, blushed and said in a low voice: "No!"

Her voice was a bit low, but Beichen Jiuge could hear it clearly, and couldn't help jumping up in his heart, and said: "Miss Wang is not married, it's really great, I wonder if we can be superior?"

With such a straightforward question, Wang Xueluo didn't even know how to answer it.She glared at Beichen Jiuge, then turned around shyly and ran away.

"Miss Wang?" Beichen Jiuge stared blankly at Wang Xueluo running back to the bedroom, chased after a few steps and then stopped.

That's the bedroom, he can't catch up.

After Beichen Jiuge stopped, he stared blankly at the direction in which Wang Xueluo disappeared, wondering why she ran away when she was doing well?

She hasn't answered the question he asked just now?He didn't know at all whether she was willing or not?
(End of this chapter)

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