The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1860 Fanwai: Xueluo 9 Songs

Chapter 1860 Fanwai: Xueluo Nine Songs (40)

"Really? So, your relationship is still blank now." Yehuang was a little surprised. She didn't have a boyfriend before because she was in the army and often had to perform dangerous missions, so she didn't have time to fall in love. Plus she doesn't want to drag others down.

That's why I never had a boyfriend.

But this Wang Xueluo is different, she is a freelancer, so it stands to reason that she has a lot of time to fall in love.

But he didn't think that she would be the same as himself, at the age of 25, she didn't have a boyfriend.Could it be that this marriage is destined, she is the same as herself, this marriage is also in this ancient time?
If so, great.

"That's right!" Wang Xueluo smiled, and she wasn't embarrassed about this matter.Anyway, she has never really been in love, and she doesn't even know what it's like to be in love.

"It seems to be the same as before. I'm an emotional idiot." Thinking of herself, Yehuang couldn't help laughing.

"There are many young talents in the Forbidden City, tell me what you like, how about I help you match?" Yehuang asked tentatively, wanting to see what Wang Xueluo was thinking, and to see if she had Find a boyfriend here, or the idea of ​​getting married.

Although there are many people who marry late in modern times, in ancient times, if a woman is not married at the age of 20, she will be criticized by others.

Therefore, if Wang Xueluo is interested, she is willing to be a matchmaker.Not to mention far away, there is one in front of me, but I don't know if Wang Xueluo likes it or not.

Of course, when Yehuang asked this question, she also wanted to test it out, to see if Beichen Jiuge was the type she liked.

"I don't have too many requirements. The man is taller than me, looks decent, treats me well, and can support me. The most important thing is to accept some of my modern ideas."

"But then again, Yehuang, you have found a good husband. The emperor really loves you very much. The affection between the two of you is very enviable."

"What are you envious of? You can find one too. Let me tell you, although there were many men in ancient times who had three wives and four concubines. But there were also those who were monogamous all their lives. It depends on whether you can find one. Also, look at that Does the man really love you?"

"Yeah, it all depends on luck." Wang Xueluo smiled, and the face of Beichen Jiuge flashed in his mind.

She also doesn't know much about Beichen Jiuge.However, according to the maids, his family advocates monogamy.

I don't know if this Beichen Jiuge will be an exception.

Seeing Wang Xueluo in a daze, Yehuang laughed and asked, "What are you thinking?"

"It's nothing." Wang Xueluo shook her head, her face flushed slightly.Ye Huang saw it, but she didn't expose it. She looked away lightly, and then asked, "Xueluo, how about I be a matchmaker for you?"

Without waiting for Wang Xueluo to speak, Yehuang said directly: "What do you think of Beichen Jiuge?"

"He..." After Wang Xueluo uttered two words, there was no more to say.She herself hasn't figured out yet what kind of mentality she has towards Beichen Jiuge.

One thing is certain, she doesn't hate him, and even admires him in some respects.In the past, she always felt that he had a wife, so she didn't dare to get too close to him, because she was afraid that she would lose her heart.

However, what she didn't expect was that Beichen Jiuge confessed his love to her in the morning.Coupled with the fact that the modern Yehuang acted as a matchmaker for her, it seems that Beichen Jiuge is indeed not married yet.

(End of this chapter)

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