The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1867 Fanwai: Xueluo 9 Songs

Chapter 1867 Fanwai: Xueluo Nine Songs (47)

"Aunt Ju, is she willing?" Wang Xueluo asked worriedly, she knew Aunt Ju, she had met once before.And she also knew that both Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang respected Aunt Ju.

It would be a good thing if she could recognize Aunt Ju as a relative.It's just that she was worried that Aunt Ju would be unwilling.After all, she is an outsider, and she is not familiar with Aunt Ju, nor has she ever served and accompanied her in front of her old man.

I'm afraid it's a bit inappropriate to admit relatives so hastily.Moreover, she still has a purpose in recognizing her relatives.

"Xueluo, you don't have to worry about this, Aunt Ju is definitely willing." Beichen Jiuge laughed.He didn't tell Wang Xueluo that it was Aunt Ju who originally proposed the matter of admitting to being a relative.

Because last time Aunt Ju met Wang Xuehou, she thought it was a good match for her, and she fell in love with her at first sight.In addition, Tuantuan and Yuanyuan had said good things about Wang Xueluo, and knowing that she was not only patient, but also good at telling stories, they liked her even more.

Because, what Aunt Ju likes to listen to the most is the storybook.He also said before that he needed to find some time for Wang Xueluo to tell her a few stories.

"Why?" Wang Xueluo asked puzzled.She and Aunt Ju have only met once, how could she be willing to confess to her.

Wang Xueluo felt that Aunt Ju was probably willing for Ye Huang's sake.

"Because she likes you." Beichen Jiuge reached out and pinched Wang Xueluo's nose, and said dotingly.

"Like me?" Wang Xueluo was a little surprised, she didn't realize that Aunt Ju liked her at all when they met last time.

"That's right, Aunt Ju likes you very much. She was also the one who proposed to recognize you as a godfather. She said that she has been childless all her life. You are very suitable for her eyes, so she wants to recognize you as a goddaughter. I don't know if you Do you want to."

"As long as Aunt Ju is willing, I will naturally." Wang Xueluo also liked Aunt Ju very much, so she nodded with a smile.

"That's great. I'll have someone tell Aunt Ju to go later, she must be very happy." Beichen Jiuge laughed, thinking of Aunt Ju's happy face after hearing the news, she couldn't help being happy extremely.

Wang Xueluo smiled, thinking about the rituals that are required in the modern age to recognize a relative.

After thinking about it, she thought that this place is ancient times, so it would be better to ask the people here.It's impossible to recognize the relatives here, let's use the modern rituals.

Thinking of this, Wang Xueluo turned to look at Beichen Jiuge and said, "It's a good thing to admit being a relative, but I don't know how to do it?"

"Silly Xueluo, don't worry about this matter, I'll take care of everything. When the time comes, just cooperate well. Moreover, when you recognize your relatives, someone will tell you what to do."

"Jiu Ge, thank you!" Wang Xueluo thanked Beichen Jiuge with a smile, but his original smile became tense, and he said to Wang Xueluo with a serious face: "Xueluo, we are already unmarried Husband and wife, your business is my business. In the future, I don't want to hear the words of thanks from your mouth, understand?"

Wang Xueluo was speechless, looked at the serious Beichen Jiuge, nodded, and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you, and I will never say thank you in the future."

After a pause, she joked again: "In the future, no matter what you do, you should do it."

"Husbands are supposed to help their wives with things." Beichen Jiuge took it for granted, but what he said made Wang Xueluo blush uncontrollably, and spat at him, "What nonsense are you talking about?" What? Who is your wife now?"

(End of this chapter)

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