The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1875 Fanwai: Xueluo 9 Songs

Chapter 1875 Fanwai: Xueluo Nine Songs (55)

The problem is, it's too far away.Even if she wanted to, Aunt Ju might not be willing to follow her.Therefore, she had to plan for Aunt Ju's future life.

With that in mind, Xueluo put more effort into writing the script.As long as she is free, she is writing.For this reason, Aunt Ju told her that her eyes would be damaged if she did this for a long time.

It's just that on the surface Wang Xueluo deserved well and would pay attention to rest, but when Aunt Ju left, she resumed writing.

The people who serve her often talk about her, but she has never heard what they say, what to do or what to do.This left the person who served her with no choice but to let her go.

Besides, after Wang Xueluo finished writing the first volume of Journey to the West, he went directly to the bookstore and asked the people in the bookstore to read it first, and then planned to discuss cooperation with them.

The people at the bookstore saw that Wang Xueluo was a woman at first, so they didn't take her very seriously at all.Until I saw the script written by her, I was immediately attracted, read more than half of it in one go, and couldn't bear to let go.

In the end, it was Wang Xueluo who interrupted the other party, and then stopped, then looked at Wang Xueluo excitedly, and asked, "Girl, do you sell this book?"

"Boss, I brought the script over today, so I intend to sell it. I just don't know what price the boss will offer?"

"Girl, your book is good. I pay 20 taels. I don't know what happened to the girl?" The boss said after making a rough estimate.

After hearing what the boss said, Wang Xueluo pulled the script out of his hand and said, "Boss, you are too dishonest. I still won't sell this script."

"Girl, then make an offer." The boss became anxious when he saw that Wang Xueluo was going to take the script back. This script was the best he had ever read.

He believes that as long as it is put on the market, many people will like it.

"Boss, I want to cooperate with you to share." Wang Xueluo remembered some modern business models.Whether it is published articles or online articles, most of them take the form of sharing.

"Split? How do you say it?" The boss was taken aback, looking at Wang Xueluo, this was the first time he had heard this word.They are generally used to buying the script directly, and then run it by them.It is up to their merchants to earn more or less.

But this is divided into, how to divide?
"Boss, I want to hand over the book to your bookstore for sale, and get a [-]% bonus for every copy sold."

"What?" The boss was surprised, [-]% bonus, that's too much.

"Boss, you can think about it. If you don't want to, I'll find another place." Wang Xueluo looked at the owner of the bookstore and said.

She is very confident in what she writes.After all, Journey to the West is popular all over China, and it is a classic among classics.

"Girl, may I keep this notebook temporarily?" the boss asked after pondering for a while.Although he is the owner of the bookstore, there is another owner behind him.For such a matter, he still had to discuss it with his boss.

Wang Xueluo glanced at the owner of the bookstore and said, "Boss, I believe in your character. I can leave this book with you temporarily. But I hope you can give me an answer as soon as possible. I will give you a day, how about it?" "

"Yes!" The owner of the bookstore nodded. It happened that his owner was in the imperial city recently, which saved a lot of time.

"That's fine. This is the contract. I'll put it here together. If you have any questions, you can send someone to the Huangfu."

(End of this chapter)

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