The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 191 Retreating the Enemy with One Knife

Chapter 191 Retreating the Enemy With One Shot ([-])
He has rich experience in combat, and now Beimo's three-way army is besieging the city. Head-to-head is definitely not enough, only outsmarting.

Ye Huang did have an idea, and had already asked Xue and the others to prepare.But that was just her thoughts, now that Shangguan Yuntian is here, it doesn't hurt to listen to his thoughts first.

However, Shangguan Yuntian did not answer right away.He withdrew his gaze from under the city, looked at Ye Huang, and asked, "What's your opinion, little Huang'er?"

From the dozens of people who followed Ye Huang and their plan to attack the enemy camp last night, Shangguan Yuntian had seen that Ye Huang had done some research on this, so he wanted to hear her opinion first.

Hearing this, Yehuang didn't care that Shangguan Yuntian didn't answer, but looked up at the sky, folded his hands behind his back, looked at the Beimo soldiers under the city wall leisurely, and said two words lightly: "Fire attack!" !"

In the past three years, what Murong Jue taught Ye Huang was not only martial arts and medical skills, but also organ arithmetic and divination and stargazing.

Last night, when they were returning to the city, Ye Huang looked at the stars at night and knew that there must be a strong wind today, and it was also a northerly wind, so after hearing that Bei Mo sent troops, he had already asked people to prepare some good things.

According to the time, those things should have arrived by now.

"Fire attack?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang in surprise when he heard these two words, pointed to the three-way army in Beimo, and asked, "I don't know if Xiao Huang'er will use all fire attacks or be selective. of?"

"Guess!" Yehuang purposely put off a trick, and then glanced into the city.Sure enough, they saw Xue and others coming towards the city gate with some civilians, pulling things.

Seeing them, the smile on Yehuang's face grew a little bit, and she turned to look for Yang Song.If those things were to be shipped up, Yang Song had to agree.

"Little Huang'er, where are you going?" Shangguan Yuntian didn't get the answer he wanted, and his heart itched unbearably. Seeing Yehuang leave, he couldn't help but chase after her.

Yehuang quickly found Yang Song and gave a general idea of ​​her thoughts.

Hearing Ye Huang's thoughts, Yang Song was dubious, but for Shangguan Yuntian's sake, he asked the soldiers to let Xue and the others in.

"Is everything ready?" Ye Huang came to Xue and asked with a smile.

"Boss, don't worry, everything is ready as you said."

"That's good, get the things to the tower." A smile appeared on Ye Huang's face.With an order, Xue directed everyone to get the things to the tower.

Shangguan Yuntian watched from the side, but did not speak.

It wasn't until Yehuang asked people to take out all the things and assembled them that Shangguan Yun finally understood what Yehuang was going to do.

Shangguan Yuntian knew that thing, he had used it in battle before, it was called a trebuchet.It's just that what Yehuang is doing now seems a little different from what he's seen before.

"Didn't you say to attack with fire? What is this catapult for?" Shangguan Yuntian pointed at the catapult and asked with a puzzled expression.

Isn't fire attacking with torches? What's the use of getting a trebuchet?

"You'll know in a while." Yehuang closed the door again, and asked Xue and the others to open the wooden box, revealing the bags of things inside.

"What is this?" Shangguan Yuntian leaned forward to take a look and asked.

"Phosphor powder!" Yehuang said, while getting a small knife out of nowhere, and cut some small holes in those bags.

As she fiddled with it, she told Xue, "When you throw this out later, be careful not to get it on your body."

 Sorry for the lateness!
(End of this chapter)

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