The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 193 Retreating the Enemy with One Knife

Chapter 193 Retreating the Enemy With One Sword ([-])
"Come on, shoot the arrows!" Yehuang ordered, and the archers stood in front and shot at the Beimo soldiers who were trying to get close to the city wall.

At the same time, in order to cooperate with the siege, the Beimo army also shot sharp arrows towards the tower.

The two armies confront each other, and arrows rain one after another!
While commanding the soldiers to guard the city gate, Yehuang thought of a way to retreat from the enemy.There are a lot of people in Beimo, and the defenders are less than [-], so head-to-head is definitely not enough.

For example, how can the enemy army under the city retreat?
Yehuang was worried, and her brain was spinning rapidly, recalling the successful cases of defending the city with fewer victories and more that she saw in military books.

One case after another flashed through her mind, but none of them fit the current scene.

What should I do?
Could it be that they can only stick to it?
Do not!
The final result of sticking to it will still break the city.So the only solution now is to try our best to retreat from the enemy as soon as possible.

Ye Huang was thinking, while watching the Beimo army under the city wall.

In ancient wars, the commander is the soul of an army.If the commander-in-chief falls, or if there is no more, then the team will be over.

Thinking of this, Ye Huang's eyes lit up a little, looking back and forth among Bei Mo's army.

Soon, a target fell into Yehuang's eyes.It was a rough man with a beard and a beard. He was riding in the middle of the army, and there were many people around him on horseback protecting him.

Seeing this person, Ye Huang suddenly became concerned, and then turned her head to give orders to Huo.

After a while, the fire found the general who was guarding the city gate.

"Young Master Yun, what are your orders?" The guard came to Ye Huang and asked respectfully.The guard did not dare to neglect Ye Huang, the young master who came by air.Not only because she was sent down from above, but also because he saw some similarities between Ye Huang and Ye Su.

Therefore, he guessed what relationship Ye Huang might have with Ye Su.

Because of this guess, he became more respectful towards Yehuang.

"Go and help me prepare a few wooden boards, the size is according to this inch." Yehuang said, and handed the blueprint just drawn to the guard.

"Okay, Mr. Yun, please wait a moment." The guard didn't ask any further questions, and turned around with the blueprints in his hand to make people get ready to go.

But Huo, after the guard left, asked, "Boss, what do you want those planks for?"

"Protect yourself!" Ye Huang spat out two words lightly, she had already figured out a way to defeat the enemy, that is to kill their supreme commander in front of the Beimo army.

She remembered that when the Condor Heroes played, Yang Guo used this move to defeat the enemy, and she wanted to follow suit.

In other words, Yehuang wanted to take the head of a general among hundreds of thousands of troops.And this is not an easy task.

Therefore, she must take all protective measures, so that she can return safely after killing someone, otherwise there is no way to deter the enemy.

And that wooden plank is the protection she wants, she wants to protect her vitals, and she wants to return safely with the enemy's head.

"Boss, what do you want to do? We will accompany you." Huo's eyes lit up, and he said eagerly.

"No, I'll go by myself. If you are together, I can't protect you." Yehuang shook her head and refused.In fact, she took a great risk to go by herself. If the other party has a master in charge, she may not be able to achieve her wish.

But she couldn't do nothing because of this worry. After all, if the enemy could retreat, the risk was worth taking.

"Boss, what exactly do you want to do? You don't want to break into the enemy's formation alone, do you?" The expression on Huo's face changed, and he asked tentatively.

(End of this chapter)

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