The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 226 Strategies

Chapter 226 Strategizing ([-])

With a loud bang, the city gate was hit by the enemy with a big hole, and then countless Beimo soldiers rushed towards the city gate.

Seeing that Beimo's army was about to attack the city, Yehuang couldn't care less, flew up and plundered towards the city gate.

When they arrived at the city gate, Ye Huang ordered people to repair the city gate while preventing Beimo soldiers from entering the city.

The sound of killing shook the sky, soldiers fell down one by one, and came up one after another.

Ye Huang didn't know how many people she had killed, nor how long she had been fighting.In short, there is only one word in her mind, and that is to kill.

Reinforcements soon arrived to fill the vacancy.

Soon, Beimo's soldiers were once again blocked from the city gate.

Only then did Ye Huang breathe a sigh of relief and found a place to sit down and rest.

At this moment, Shangguan Yuntian came over from another city gate, seeing that Ye Huang was very tired, his heart ached.Stepping forward, he gently pressed his palm on Ye Huang's back, trying to infuse her with true energy.

Sensing the aura of practice around her, Yehuang knew it was Shangguan Yuntian, so she didn't move and let her hug her.

However, when Shangguan Yuntian was about to infuse her with real energy, Yehuang immediately reacted and stopped him: "Yuntian, don't waste your real energy. I'll just take a break, not to mention I still have some pills. No, just eat a grain."

"It's okay, I have deep inner strength, it doesn't matter if I lose a little to you." Shangguan Yuntian didn't stop, but lost part of his true energy to Ye Huang.

With the true energy conveyed by Shangguan Yuntian, Yehuang's complexion improved a lot, and the previous exhaustion was swept away.

"Thank you!" Yehuang turned to look at Shangguan Yuntian and thanked him.

"Little Huang'er, as long as you are good." Shangguan Yuntian smiled, and then hugged Yehuang even tighter.

At this time, a general walked up to the two of them and saluted Shangguan Yuntian: "Subordinate Yunfei, I have met my master."

"There's no need to be too polite." Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yunfei with a smile on his face, and waved his hands.

"Who is this?" Yun Fei stood up, glanced at Ye Huang who was being held in Shangguan Yuntian's arms, his eyes flickered.

He has long heard that the master has a sweetheart, could it be the one in front of him.

Yunfei looked Yehuang up and down, then shook his head.

No, this is a man in front of him, how could he be the master's sweetheart?Could it be that the master likes men?

Thinking that his master likes a man, Yunfei feels bad all over.

Shangguan Yuntian glanced at Yunfei, as if he knew what he was thinking, so he said in a cold voice, "Quickly stop your messy thoughts."

"This subordinate is guilty!" Yun Fei looked apologetically at Yehuang, and then looked at Shangguan Yuntian with a questioning look.

Shangguan Yuntian knew what Yunfei wanted to ask, but he didn't intend to answer him now, but asked, "Has Beimo retreated?"

"Yes!" Yun Fei nodded, if Bei Mo hadn't retreated, how would he have time to come to Shangguan Yuntian.

Since this is the case, then you go back and take a good rest, and I will clean up the dust for you later.

"Your subordinates obey!" Yun Fei bid farewell and left.

Yehuang looked at the figure going away, and asked Shangguan Yuntian beside him lightly: "Your person?"

"That's right!" Shangguan Yuntian nodded, then picked up Yehuang and walked towards the small courtyard.

Now that the reinforcements have arrived, there is nothing to do with them.

Back in the small courtyard, Yehuang didn't go to rest, but thought about how to win the battle.After all, as the military adviser of the defenders, she can't do nothing, can she?

(End of this chapter)

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