The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 228 Strategies

Chapter 228 Strategizing (Part [-])

"What does the general mean?" The generals looked at Tuoba Yong in confusion, not knowing what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

Under the puzzled eyes of the generals, Tuoba Yong clapped his hands lightly.

Following the sound, a few poorly dressed soldiers came in from outside the tent. They were the people Tuobayong sent to Yaocheng to inquire about the news a few days ago.

That day, under the order of Tuoba Yong, several people quietly sneaked into Yaocheng to inquire about the news. They didn't retreat until today when Beimo's army broke through the city gate.

These few days, they stayed in Yaocheng, and they had already found out the situation in the city, which was why Tuoba Yong decided to attack the city overnight.

They didn't dare to act before because they didn't know the situation in the city. Now that they have information, that's another story.

"Tell everyone what's going on in the city." Tuoba Yong spoke, and a few soldiers glanced at the generals nervously, organized their words, and then said: "The few of us inquired about the general in the city. Both Ye Feng and Ye Su were injured and they were raised in the mansion. Now Yaocheng is in charge of guarding the city is Ye Feng's deputy general Yang Song. Besides, there are two young men from Yaocheng, one named Yun Ye Not only is his medical skill superb, but his martial arts are also very powerful."

"That's right, Mr. Yunye also has the title of Immortal Doctor. She set the arrow on Ye Feng's body. Not only that, but that Yunye's martial arts are also very powerful. The last time General Zhang Qian and his subordinates The general was killed by him."

"Also, also, it was her idea to attack us with fire that time. Anyway, he is very famous in Yaocheng now. I heard that Ye Feng even worshiped him as a military adviser, and the defenders all admire him."

"By the way, there is also a young master who often follows Yun Ye, and his martial arts are also very good. As for the name, we haven't found out yet."

Listening to the narration of several people, the faces of the generals turned ugly, and they were all guessing what the origin of Yun Ye was, and how he could ruin their affairs time and time again with his own strength.

"General, why don't we send a few people to kill that guy, so that he won't keep getting in our way."

Tuoba Yong turned his head and glanced at the person who spoke, and said, "Didn't you hear them say that Yun Ye is very powerful? Who among us has the ability to take the head of a general among thousands of troops?"

"Could it be possible to just watch him doing bad things again and again like this?"

"if not?"

"It would be great if Xiao Qing was still around. With his skill as a sharpshooter, he might be somewhat sure."

Speaking of Xiao Qing, Tuoba Yong once again turned his attention to those little soldiers, and asked, "Have you found out about Zuo Xianfeng?"

"We found out that Zuo Xianfeng was arrested by Yun Ye, and he seems to be locked up in the General's Mansion. But there are heavy guards there, and it's not easy to save people."

"It's good that people are still alive." Hearing this, Tuoba Yong breathed a sigh of relief, as long as people are still alive, there is still hope.

"Do you guys know how the current deployment of troops in the city is?" Another general asked. He was going to attack the city at night. If he knew the deployment of the other party's troops, it would be half the battle.

"Before we came out, there were only 18 soldiers left in the city. Except for a small part guarding food and grass, the others were scattered at the four gates. Among them, the number of people at the north gate was at most 6, and the other three gates Relatively few."

While they were talking, Tuobayong's deputy general brought a map, put it in front of them, and said: "Here is a map of Yaocheng, can you mark the enemy's forces one by one? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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