The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 231 Defeating the Enemy Army

Chapter 231 Defeating the Enemy Army ([-])

The killing sound is shocking!
Seeing the sudden appearance of one after another, Beimo's army was stunned, never expecting to meet Dazhao's ambush army on the way.

Logically speaking, shouldn't the Jokhang army at this time be resting in the city?How would it appear here?

Not waiting for Bei Mo's army to understand this question, the other party had already killed them, so they had to raise their weapons to meet them.

The movement here quickly reached Tuoba Yong's ears, making him uneasy, and ordered the soldiers around him: "Go and see what's going on?"

The soldiers ordered and left in a hurry.Before he got close to the scene of the incident, he heard the sound of killing, and after inquiring closer, he knew that the army had encountered an enemy ambush.

So, the soldiers returned to Tuoba Yong's Chinese army with this shocking news.

"General, general, it's not good, my men were ambushed by the enemy."

"What?" Tuoba Yong's face became ugly, and he could hardly believe his ears.

how can that be possible?
The sneak attack plan was decided on a temporary basis. How could the enemy set up an ambush so quickly? Could it be that there are spies in the army?
Thinking of this possibility, Tuoba Yong's face became more and more ugly, and he ordered decisively, "Retreat!"

However, as soon as he gave the order, the generals around him immediately persuaded: "General, is it possible that we just returned without success?"

"Otherwise, the plan has been leaked, and the enemy has set up an ambush waiting for us, so is it possible to go to die?" Tuoba Yong looked at the generals around him with displeasure.

"General, maybe things are not as bad as we imagined." A general met Tuoba's displeased eyes and said.

"What do you mean?" Tuoba Yong frowned and turned to look at the general.

"General, think about it, Dazhao's reinforcements just arrived today, and they fought us again, so they should be extremely exhausted. Even if they set up an ambush in front, there shouldn't be too many of them. So this subordinate feels that we should go first Send someone to find out, and it will not be too late to decide whether to evacuate."

"That's right, General, we should investigate first. Maybe it's the enemy's trick. It's just to make us afraid, so we don't dare to attack the city."

"Yes, General, please think twice."

The generals joined together.

After finally knowing the deployment of troops in the city, it is a good opportunity to attack the city. Could it be that he just watched and slipped away like this?

They are not reconciled.

Not to mention the soldiers, Tuoba Yong was not willing to return without success.So after listening to everyone's opinions, I decided to adopt it.So he ordered that the scouts go to find out.

As for the army, they temporarily stopped to rest.

The scouts led the way and came back after a short while, reporting: "General, the number of ambush troops is not large, and they have been wiped out by our army's forward."

"What did you say, is it true?" Tuoba Yong was a little disbelieving.

"Return to the general, this matter is absolutely true, if you don't believe it, you can send the vanguard officer to ask questions."

Hearing what the scouts said, the generals spoke again.

"General, it seems that the ambush army did what we expected and wanted to scare us back."

"Since that's the case, what are we waiting for, let's move on."

"No!" Tuoba Yong thought about it, but still felt uneasy.He knew that there was a very powerful person among the defenders, otherwise they would not have failed in these few attacks.

Therefore, he felt that today's ambush was a bit weird, as if it was a bait for the enemy.

No, I have to ask someone to check again to see if it is a trap.

Thinking about it, Tuoba Yong shouted: "Come here!"

(End of this chapter)

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