The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 241 Imperial Decree Zhang Jing

Chapter 241 Imperial Decree Returns to Beijing ([-])

In order to reward the army, the people sent their food to the barracks early in the morning. Chicken, duck, fish, vegetables, fruits and vegetables, rice and noodles, almost filled the kitchen in the barracks.

Seeing that everyone was so happy, Mu Fei also transferred a large amount of food from the Four Seas Trading Company to the barracks.Of course, Ye Huang had already confessed these things.

After defeating the enemy army, Yehuang had nothing to do for the time being. She woke up naturally after sleeping, not knowing that there was someone in the general's mansion, who had been waiting for her since dawn.

At this time, in the General's Mansion, Ye Feng didn't fall asleep at all after Ye Huang left last night, and opened his eyes until dawn.Early in the morning, he called Ye Su again with his panda eyes, and asked him to pick Ye Huang up to have breakfast together.

However, before Ye Su left, Shangguan Yuntian arrived at the General's Mansion first.

Seeing Ye Feng, he said straight to the point: "General Ye, I have something I want to talk to you about, about Xiao Huang'er."

"Okay, let's go to the study." Ye Feng was eager to get to know Ye Huang, and when he heard Shangguan Yuntian's intention, he took him to the study.

Shangguan Yuntian walked a few steps, looked at Ye Su who was standing aside in a daze, and said, "You come too."

So, the three of them went to the study together.

As soon as he entered the study, Shangguan Yuntian directly handed a document to Ye Feng, and said: "I know you are looking for Xiao Huang'er, these are all the documents she has over the years, please take a look first."

After receiving the information, Ye Feng and Ye Su's grandfather and grandson read it seriously.

From the first sentence on the information, Ye Feng's face became ugly.

He looked up at Shangguan Yuntian, and asked, "Why?"

Ye Feng couldn't believe that his son Ye Ming would treat Ye Huang like this, but she was his niece.

"General, you should know that little Huang'er has grudges against you. This king knows better than you what she has lived these years. To be honest, when this king knew that she had suffered so much, I was really shocked." I wanted to kill Ye Ming. But he is your son, and Xiao Huang'er doesn't like other people meddling in her affairs, so I didn't do it."

"Damn it, how could Second Uncle do this?" Ye Su was also filled with anger. Over the years, they have written letters and sent things back to Ye Huang.And every time the second uncle Ye Ming said that his sister was very good, so that they were very relieved, but they didn't want these Dahuangs to live in such a miserable life. If they knew this, they should have brought her to the border in the first place.

Even if it is a little bit bitter and tiring, it will not be worse than a servant.

"This traitor, the old man can't spare him!" Ye Feng was also so angry that he slammed his fist on the table.

Shangguan Yuntian glanced at the two of them, and said: "Little Huang'er's attitude towards you is not good, I hope you can forgive her."

Today, the reason why Shangguan Yuntian came here specially was to untie the knots between the two parties. He knew that Yehuang actually longed for family affection, otherwise he wouldn't be so kind to Master Murongjue.

"We are the ones who are sorry for her!" Ye Feng blamed himself.If he had known that Ye Ming would treat Ye Huang like that, he would never have handed Ye Huang over to them.

"Little Huang'er is very sensitive, it's best not to show guilt in front of her, otherwise she will get farther and farther away from you." Shangguan Yuntian reminded, put away the materials, and left the general's mansion.

After leaving the General's Mansion, Shangguan Yuntian went to Yehuang's courtyard.

At this time, Ye Huang was still sound asleep on the bed.

After defeating the enemy army and having nothing to worry about, Yehuang slept peacefully, and did not wake up until the sun was rising.

(End of this chapter)

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