The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 243 Imperial Decree Zhang Jing

Chapter 243 Imperial Decree Returns to Beijing ([-])

"Who knows?" Shangguan Yuntian also pretended not to know, but he knew it in his heart.It was nothing more than knowing that Yehuang had suffered a lot in the capital and wanted to make up for it.

Although he reminded Ye Feng that Ye Huang didn't want their compensation, it seemed that they didn't listen.

Of course, Shangguan Yuntian would not say anything more, anyway, he had reminded, whether Ye Feng would listen or not was their business.

Ye Huang withdrew her gaze from Shangguan Yuntian, looked at Ye Feng, then at Ye Su, and asked, "Aren't you going to reward the army today, don't you two go and have a look?"

"Huang'er, someone can do those things, we don't need us. Now grandpa just wants to stay with you for a while, I wonder if you can satisfy grandpa's wish?"

Yehuang frowned and wanted to refuse, but when she thought that they were also her relatives, even though she had thrown the original owner aside before, she had no choice.

Thinking of this, Yehuang finally nodded.

Seeing Ye Huang nodding, Ye Feng was overjoyed, the smile on his face couldn't be stopped.

"Huang'er, sit here and let grandpa take a good look at you." Ye Feng beckoned and let Yehuang sit beside him.

After hesitating for a while, Yehuang got up and sat down beside Ye Feng.

Ye Feng looked Yehuang up and down, and the more he looked at it, the more satisfied he was, and he even laughed out loud.

Seeing Ye Feng's happy look, Ye Huang frowned, and said, "Last time you hurt your heart and lungs, so it's not appropriate to be overjoyed."

"I know, I know, Grandpa is just happy." Ye Feng was so excited that he didn't even know how to put his hands down. He stared at Ye Huang intently, afraid that she would disappear in a blink of an eye.

"Well, let me chat with you." Ye Huang said softly, although she was not close to Ye Feng, but seeing him happy, she couldn't bear to hurt his heart.

So, the grandfather and grandson chatted slowly.Ye Su on the side was unwilling to be ignored and joined the camp.

Shangguan Yuntian sat aside and listened, watching Yehuang recount her experience in the past three years, talking about her master Murongjue, with a smile on her face.

At the beginning, he wanted to find Murong Jue to help detoxify him, but he didn't want to meet Ye Huang, that was the most beautiful encounter in his life.

If he hadn't met Yehuang, the grass on his grave would have been as tall as a person.

Time passed slowly amid the reminiscences of the grandparents and grandchildren, and it was not until they were hungry that they realized that it was past noon.

"I'm hungry, let someone prepare a meal." Yehuang touched her hungry stomach, she didn't eat much in the morning, and she would be hungry by now.

"Huang'er, I'm sorry, Grandpa was negligent." Ye Feng looked at Ye Huang apologetically, and then shouted to the outside of the flower hall: "Come here, prepare the meal."

After a while, the servants brought up the meals that had been prepared a long time ago.

During the meal, Ye Feng and Ye Su tried their best to add vegetables to Ye Huang's bowl, even Shangguan Yuntian couldn't intervene.

At first, Shangguan Yuntian still had a little bit of jealousy, but after thinking about it, Yehuang would be his wife in the future, and the future would be long, so he felt a little more balanced.

After dinner, Ye Huang chatted with Ye Feng for a while, then drove him to rest.As for herself, she also took a nap.

Originally, she wanted to go back to the small courtyard, but Ye Feng didn't agree with anything, so she had to rest in the guest room of the General's Mansion.

As for Shangguan Yuntian, he didn't leave either, resting next to Yehuang's room.

After the afternoon nap, Ye Huang walked with Ye Feng for a while, played chess with him for a while, and then left for the military camp to participate in the celebration meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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