The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 246 Face Saint Award

Chapter 246 Face Saint Award ([-])

Seeing the approaching army, Shangguan Ping stepped forward quickly, came to Ye Feng's carriage, and said: "This king came to welcome General Ye and all the generals on behalf of the emperor, the general and all the generals have worked hard! "

"Thank you, Majesty Long En, to serve His Majesty. It is our duty to protect our family and the country. King Ping is serious." Ye Feng lifted the curtain to look at King Ping, and said calmly.

The unenthusiastic attitude made Shangguan Ping slightly taken aback, and his face became a little stiff.Fortunately, he quickly adjusted and said with a smile: "What the general said is that the father is still waiting for us, let's go to the city."

"Enter the city!"

With Ye Feng's order, a group of people entered the city gate in a mighty manner and headed towards the palace.

In the General's Mansion, Yeqin and her mother, Liu Shi, had been in a state of panic after learning that Yefeng's class teacher had returned to the imperial court, so that they didn't dare to go to greet him.

Liu Shi is very clear about Ye Feng's respect for Ye Huang.But Yehuang disappeared three years ago, so she didn't know how to explain to the old man.

It would be nice if Ye Ming was at home.

It's a pity that Ye Ming was sent to escort the grain and grass, and he would not be back until a month later.

How to do?
When Liu was in the house, he walked up and down, thinking of ways.

"Mother, don't be like this. If grandpa pursues it, we can just say that the little bitch Yehuang died of illness."

"Dead of illness?" Liu Shi frowned, it's not like she never thought of making such an excuse before.But Ye Feng is a shrewd person, so he was afraid that he would see something.

"Mother, now the entire General's Mansion belongs to us, so what are you worried about? Even if Grandpa doesn't believe it, so what, he can go and investigate. Anyway, we didn't leave any clues, even if we investigate, we can't find anything. Isn't it?"

Ye Ling comforted Liu Shi, she felt that there was no need to worry so much.

It's been so long, even if Ye Feng is angry, it's only for a while.When she married King Ping, even if he was not reconciled, even if he didn't believe that Ye Huang died of illness, there was nothing he could do.

"Ma'am, Missy is right. You really don't need to worry so much. When the general returns later, you can apologize to him. I believe he won't make things difficult for you." Nanny Liu also advised.

"Okay, let's do it like this." Liu Shi had no choice but to listen to Ye Ling first.

After discussing the caliber, Liu Shi finally felt relieved, and then waited for Ye Feng and his party at the gate of the mansion with the servants in the mansion.

After seeing Ye Feng, the emperor asked him about some border issues, and sent him back to his residence to rest.

As for Ye Huang and the others, following Ye Feng was just a visit to the palace, and the emperor didn't mention them at all.

Of course, that's fine too, Ye Huang was happy and quiet.Besides, she didn't want to impress the emperor.

This is just right, the emperor ignored her, so he didn't need to be so high-profile.

At the gate of the palace, a carriage parked there quietly, seeing Ye Huang coming out, Qin Chao went forward to meet her.

"Miss Ye, my prince is here to invite you."

Seeing Qin Chao, Ye Huang knew that Shangguan Yuntian was in the carriage, so she turned to Ye Feng and Ye Su and said, "Grandpa and elder brother go back first, I will return home later."

"Go, come back earlier." Ye Feng confessed, and returned to the General's Mansion with Ye Su.

Yehuang rode to Shangguan Yuntian's carriage.

When he was about to enter the city before, in order not to let others discover his whereabouts, Shangguan Yuntian went back to the city before Yehuang.

"Come up!" Shangguan Yuntian lifted the curtain and said to Yehuang with a smile.Although they only separated for a few hours, Shangguan Yuntian felt that he hadn't seen Yehuang for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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