The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 251 Face Saint Award

Chapter 251 Face Saint Award ([-])

Yehuang didn't look back, but the cold voice reached Yeling's ears, which made her very annoyed.He waved his fist at her back with hatred on his face.

Ye Ling returned angrily to the courtyard where she lived, and watched the maid move her things out of the East Wing, with an extremely ugly expression on her face.

If she hadn't been worried about Ye Feng and Ye Su, she wouldn't have wronged herself so much.

However, fortunately, King Ping said that he would come to propose marriage in a few days, and then he would just find a reason to drive Yehuang out.

She didn't want that annoying person dangling in front of her every day.

Ye Huang had no time to pay attention to Ye Ling's thoughts, she returned to the small courtyard where she used to live.I haven't lived in it for three years, and the small courtyard looks more and more dilapidated.

Pushing open the door, a burst of dust came towards her. Yehuang took a look, and the inside was still the same as when she left three years ago. Except for a thick layer of dust, nothing had changed.

Yehuang just took a look and left.She only stayed in this place for a few days, and she just remembered it for a while.

And the reason why she came here was just to give Ye Ling some time, so that she would have enough time to tidy up her room.

Yehuang didn't want to stand there and wait.

Afterwards, Ye Huang walked around the mansion again, guessing that it was almost time, and then returned to the courtyard where Ye Ling lived.

When she went in, the East Wing had just been tidied up and new quilts were laid out.

Seeing that the room was tidied up, Ye Huang didn't say hello to Ye Ling, and went back to the room to rest.

She fell asleep like this and didn't wake up until dinner time.

Because she didn't bring a maid with her when she came back this time, Ye Ling sent a little girl to find her for dinner.

After Yehuang washed and combed up, she followed the little maid to the flower hall for dinner.

When she arrived, Ye Feng and Ye Su were already sitting.As for Liu Shi, he ordered the women to serve the dishes.

Seeing Ye Huang coming in, Liu Shi pretended to be a loving aunt again, and asked with a smile: "Huang'er, how are you resting, Ling'er didn't bully you, right?"

"Thank you Madam for your concern. I'm resting well." Yehuang replied lightly, then walked up to Ye Feng to greet her, and said hello to Ye Su before she sat down beside her.

Not long after she sat down, Yeling came in with some maids and some dishes.

While motioning the maid to put down the dishes, Ye Ling asked Ye Feng for credit: "Grandpa, this is a dish specially prepared by my granddaughter, I hope grandpa likes it."

"You have a heart." Ye Feng glanced at Ye Ling lightly, with no expression on his face, which made Ye Ling a little frustrated and lost.

Turning his head, seeing Ye Huang sitting beside him, a flash of jealousy flashed in his heart.

Ye Huang obviously didn't do anything, but Ye Feng liked it.And she deliberately flattered her, but she didn't even get a smiley face. This is really discriminatory treatment.

However, even if Ye Feng likes it, so what, when she marries King Ping, when she is superior to others, no matter whether it is Ye Feng or Ye Huang, they will bow down in front of her.

Thinking of this, Ye Ling's mood improved a lot.With a smile on his face again, he said to Liu Shi who was at the side: "Mother, the dishes in the kitchen are almost ready, let's serve dinner."

Mrs. Liu glanced at the dishes on the table, nodded with a smile, looked at Ye Feng respectfully, and asked, "Father, what do you think?"

"Everyone is hungry, let's eat." Ye Feng greeted, picked up the bowl and handed it directly to Ye Huang, asking her to help serve the meal.

This action made Liu Shi, who was about to show her courteousness, froze and withdrew her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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