Chapter 273 Wishful thinking (eight)

Besides, she started attacking Shangguanping yesterday, and when the time is up, he will be able to reap the consequences himself, so why bother to cause unnecessary trouble.

Shangguan Ping was yelled at by Yehuang, he came back to his senses, then took a deep look at her, and quickly left Yefu without the help of the hidden guards.

All the hated people left, and Ye Huang felt that the air was a bit fresher.

Go back to the house, close the door, and sleep.

Yehuang had completely forgotten that there was another person lying outside her door.

In the end, Yeling endured the pain, got up, and went back to the house.

Early the next morning, before Ye Huang got up, she was awakened by the noise in the yard.Unhappily got up, went out to see, it turned out that it was from Ye Ling.

Hearing Yeling's weeping, Yehuang's face darkened, and she asked Xia Hedong, who came to take care of her early in the morning, to pack up her own things and prepare to move to Liufangyuan.

The two maids moved very quickly, and the things were packed in less than a quarter of an hour.

With the things in hand, the three master and servant left the room, intending to leave.

But he didn't want to, as soon as he stepped out of the room, he saw Liu Shi coming towards him.

Liu walked up to Yehuang aggressively and asked, "Yehuang, why did you hit Ling'er last night? She is your sister."

"Good question, why did I hit her, didn't she tell you?" Ye Huang stopped and looked at Liu Shi indifferently.

She beat her lightly last night, otherwise she would never get out of bed in her life.For a person with such a foul mouth like her, the best way is to keep her from opening her mouth.

It's just because Ye Ling still has a little bit of usefulness, so he didn't make her dumb.Otherwise, she would have no chance to sue.

"Yehuang, no matter what, she is also your sister, how can you be so cruel, how can you do it?" Liu Shi didn't know why Ye Ling was beaten.But in her eyes, no matter what Ye Ling did, it was always right, and it must be someone else who was wrong.

It was precisely because of Liu's connivance that Ye Ling developed such an open-mouthed, fearless temperament.

After all, since childhood, no matter what she wanted, no matter whether she did something wrong or not, she had never been punished or scolded, so she always felt that what she did was right.

"Heh, she is really my good sister." Ye Huang sneered and said, "A sister who wants me to die everywhere, don't mind."

After finishing speaking, Yehuang didn't even look at Liu Shi, and went directly to Liufang Courtyard without her.

Liu Shi was overwhelmed by Yehuang again, pointing at her speechless.Opening her mouth, she was about to get someone to block Yehuang, but there was another itchy pain on her body, which made her want to scratch it uncontrollably.

Seeing Liu Shi's movements, the mother on the side was startled, grabbed her hand, and reminded: "Madam, the doctor said, you must not scratch, otherwise this body will become more and more itchy. "

Liu Shi also knew that she couldn't scratch, but her body was in pain and itching, making her extremely uncomfortable.Coupled with Yeling's crying in her ears, it made her even more irritable.

Turning her head, she looked at her confidant, Nanny Liu, and said bitterly: "Mommy, I don't care what method you use, you must get the antidote from that little bitch."

"Ma'am, this?"

"Why, can't it be done?"

"No! It's just Missy..."

Before Mammy Liu finished speaking, she was interrupted by Mrs. Liu: "If you can't get it, let her die!"

"Yes, this old slave understands." Nanny Liu agreed, and her mood improved a lot, and then entered Ye Ling's room.

(End of this chapter)

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