The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 276 Palace Banquet

Chapter 276 Palace Banquet ([-])

However, Shangguan Yuntian shook his head resolutely, interrupting her words: "No, I will save this most beautiful moment for our bridal chamber wedding night."

"Are you really okay?" Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian worriedly, then shook her jade hand, and said again: "If you really can't stand it, I can help you."

"How can I help?" Shangguan Yuntian asked.

"That's it!"

As soon as these words came out, Shangguan Yuntian's mind exploded.Then she looked at Yehuang with disbelief, and after a while she turned cold, and asked, "Huang'er, who taught you such nonsense?"

Yehuang was bewildered by Shangguan Yuntian's sudden anger, and stared blankly at him.

Seeing Yehuang's dazed look, Shangguan Yuntian realized that his reaction was too intense, so he softened his tone and said, "Girls, don't think about it all day long."

"Do I have it?" Yehuang looked dazed, she was just worried that he was suffering badly and wanted to help him.But luckily, he wasn't happy about it.

Come on, she's being self-indulgent.

Since Shangguan Yuntian didn't want to help, she was also happy to relax, so she changed the subject.

The two stayed in the room for a while, and Qin Chao's voice sounded outside, saying: "My lord, the emperor ordered the ministers and workers to bring their family members into the palace for a banquet, saying that it was to celebrate the great general and the others. "


Hearing Qin Chao's words, Ye Huang was a little surprised, and said, "It's been a few days, and we only held a banquet to celebrate, why did you go so early?"

"It's only the fourth day, okay?" Shangguan Yuntian laughed when he heard the words, the later the celebration banquet, the better for him.

"Okay!" Yehuang had nothing to say, and her interest faded.She has always disliked banquets, especially this kind of blind date banquet.

She had heard that every time a banquet was held in the palace, the emperor would give marriages to one or two couples.Now, she is a popular figure in the capital, maybe it will be her turn this time.

Thinking of this, Yehuang couldn't help thinking of Shangguanping's plan last night.

Last night, he returned without success. According to his past character, he would definitely not give up.The banquet tonight is just his opportunity.

The palace is the territory of Concubine Su Gui, so it will be easy for Shangguanping to do something.

It seems that she has to be careful, more careful.

Shangguan Yuntian felt that Yehuang was in a bad mood, and asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

"I'm a little worried about Shangguan Ping."

Shangguan Yuntian is a smart person, and he has the same heart with Ye Huang. As soon as she mentioned him, he understood what she was worried about, and comforted him with a smile: "Huang'er, don't worry. Although the palace is the territory of Concubine Su Gui , but it is not easy to plot against you, and this king will also protect you."

Hearing Shangguan Yuntian's words, Yehuang felt relieved slightly, and asked, "Have you deployed manpower in the palace?"

"I can't hide anything from you. Although I'm not very interested in that position, I don't want to be the one who gets beaten. There are still people who can protect themselves." Shangguan Yuntian didn't hide anything, and admitted that he had someone in the palace.

"You're right to do this." As a prince, or a prince who once held a large army and was quite influential in the army, how can he do without some influence of his own?
If it were her, she would do the same thing as Shangguan Yuntian.Because Ye Huang believed that no matter what, it was safest to keep it in her own hands.

"Huang'er, thank you, you are so kind!" Shangguan Yuntian was overjoyed, and hugged Yehuang again and kissed...

 Finished today!Dear friends, if there are no accidents, Wenwen will be on the shelves tomorrow.But dear friends, don't worry, but the monthly subscription of this article should help you save some money.Therefore, I hope that after Wenwen is put on the shelves, dear friends can continue to support it.However, the grades in this article have not been very good. I once wanted to give up. It is you who gave Ranran the courage to persevere. Thank you!Thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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