The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 282 Competition in the Great Hall

Chapter 282 Competition in the Great Hall ([-])

After telling Shangguan Ping to shut up, Ye Huang asked the two princesses again: "Tell me, what do you two princesses want to compare?"

"You really want to compare with us?" The eldest princess looked at Ye Huang in disbelief. The reason why she said that just now was to hit Ye Huang a little bit. Who let her steal their limelight.

But it never occurred to them that Yehuang would dare to compete with them.

Isn't she as idiot as rumored?
The second princess didn't think too much about it, and she had confidence in herself that she would not lose to Ye Huang, so she touched the eldest princess' arm and said, "Sister Huang, since she wants to compare, then let's do it. Could it be that we are still afraid of her?"

"Royal sister!" The eldest princess glanced at the second princess, a little helpless.The second princess, Shangguan Lin, is good at everything, but she often loses her composure and causes unnecessary troubles, causing her to wipe her butt from time to time.

For example, now, in front of so many people, it doesn't matter who loses.Moreover, Ye Huang was rumored to be an illiterate idiot, even if they won, it would be disgraceful.

What's more, Yehuang's current status is unusual, if she loses to the emperor, it will not be easy for her face.After all, the title of Princess Yunhuang was given by the emperor.

"Sister Huang, you should answer, answer. Look, everyone is looking at you?" The second princess shook the arm of the eldest princess, and then pulled her to turn her gaze to the main hall.

Sure enough, pairs of eyes in the hall fell on her, looking forward to, watching the show, mocking, all kinds of eyes.

The eldest princess never thought that Ye Huang's popularity would be so bad, almost no one in the whole hall sympathized with her.

What a failure to be a human being!

At this moment, the eldest princess felt a little sympathetic to Ye Huang.

Therefore, when her sympathetic gaze fell on Yehuang's eyes, Yehuang was a little confused.

For Ye Huang, the eyes of all the daughters in the hall could not affect her at all.Different ways do not conspire with each other, it is about her and the daughters in the hall.

What they pursue is fundamentally different, so why should they care so much.

In short, in the eyes of Yehuang, those daughters are no different from clowns.

"Princess, what is your decision?" Yehuang looked at the princess and asked with a smile.Whether it's a competition or a martial arts competition, she is not afraid.

Those people in the hall want to see her jokes, dreaming.

So three years ago, she might not be very good at it, but in the past three years, her master Murong Jue taught her not only martial arts and medical skills, but also a lot of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Therefore, tonight she has the confidence to not be afraid of the challenge of the two princesses.Thinking that she was unwilling to learn this before, Ye Huang felt a little ashamed.

At this moment, Ye Huang's heart was full of gratitude towards Murong Jue.

"Bi!" The eldest princess did not speak, but the second princess had already agreed.

"Since that's the case, why don't you just draw the Dao? What's the comparison?" Ye Huang looked at the two princesses with arrogance, not losing any momentum to them.

If you look carefully, you will find that Yehuang's aura is actually higher than that of the two princesses.The three of them stood together, but it made people feel that Yehuang was the princess, and the two real princesses were little followers.

"What a big tone." The second princess snorted coldly, she was both happy and annoyed at Yehuang's ignorance.

The eldest princess couldn't hold back anymore, her original sympathy for Yehuang disappeared, and she said coldly: "You said this, don't regret it when you lose later."

 Continue at night!Ask for subscription, reward, ticket, message!But I don't like you!
(End of this chapter)

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