The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 296 Jealousy Begets Hate

Chapter 296 Jealousy Begets Hate ([-])

At this time, Ye Feng and Ye Su, who were originally sitting at the back, hurried to the front after learning about Ye Huang's accident, and asked, "Huang'er, are you alright?"

While asking, the two checked Yehuang up and down, and found out that she was fine, so they were relieved.

"It's okay!" Looking at Ye Feng and Ye Su who cared about her, Ye Huang smiled and shook her head.Then he pointed to the little eunuch who was lying on the ground in pain, but not dead yet, and said, "Fortunately, I am more alert, otherwise I would be the one lying here."

"It's okay, it's okay, God bless you, Huang'er, you're okay." Ye Su patted his chest with a look of fear.

As for Ye Feng, he had already walked up to the emperor, knelt down, and begged: "Your majesty, I beg you to investigate this matter thoroughly. Huang'er is so old, and it's the first time she has entered the palace, but someone wants to kill her. If you don't Severely punishing the murderer has fostered this trend, and no one will dare to enter the palace in the future. Therefore, this old minister begs the emperor to find out who is behind the scenes."

"Ye Aiqing, don't worry, I will definitely let people investigate this matter." The emperor comforted Ye Feng, and asked the servants around him to help him up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" What Ye Feng wanted was the emperor's attitude, and now that the emperor had expressed his opinion, he didn't dare to say anything more.

So after thanking her, he returned to Yehuang's side and said to her: "Huang'er, don't worry, the emperor has promised to help you find the murderer and punish him severely."

"I know!" Yehuang nodded, then looked at the little eunuch who was still rolling and said, "My father-in-law, I would like to advise you to be more sensible and tell the mastermind behind your scenes. I can show kindness and spare your life. If not, life would be worse than death."

"The slave deserves to die, the slave deserves to die, the princess should spare the slave." How dare the little eunuch speak out about the second princess, even if he did, it would not be a dead word afterwards.

Therefore, for the sake of his own life, the little eunuch dared not say anything except begging for mercy.

Looking at the little eunuch kneeling in front of her, Ye Huang's eyes turned cold.She just pointed out a bright way for the other party. Since he doesn't cherish it, then don't blame her.

Yehuang turned her eyes away from the eunuch, looked at the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, let's take this down for trial."

"Come here, take this slave down for a proper trial." The emperor glanced at Ye Huang and signaled the servants beside him to take him down.

Seeing the little eunuch being taken away, the second princess became more and more nervous.I was afraid that the other party couldn't hold back and recruited her out.

In order not to implicate himself, the only way is to kill and silence.

Thinking about it, a murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the second princess, and then she whispered a few words to the little maid beside her.

Yehuang has been paying attention to the second princess, and seeing her move, a faint smile appeared on her face.

It's good to have some action, catch her in a while, and see how she can get away with it.

It's not good to offend anyone, but even trying to provoke her, I'm really impatient.

The maid of the second princess left quietly, Shangguan Yuntian gave a signal to the secret, and a maid followed quietly.

The emperor's people took the little eunuch to the side hall and asked for a long time, but the little eunuch refused to speak.Even with torture, he didn't utter a single word.

It wasn't until the arrival of the maid next to the second princess that his expression relaxed a little, and hope was ignited in his eyes.

 Send the second update first.However, continue to code!
(End of this chapter)

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