Chapter 311 Retiring the Marriage and Giving the Marriage ([-])

Shangguanping walked up to the emperor and knelt down.

"Prince Ping, who is this?" Seeing Shangguan Ping kneeling in front of him, the emperor was slightly taken aback.

"Father, my son has something to ask." Shangguan Ping kowtowed and said loudly.As soon as these words came out, Concubine Su Gui immediately became nervous and winked at him desperately.

Previously, Shangguanping said that he wanted to marry Yehuang, but Concubine Su Gui disagreed.What she wanted to marry for her son was Su Yueru, the niece of her natal family.

Shangguanping didn't look at Concubine Su Gui at all, and lowered his head slightly, not daring to look at the emperor's face.He worried that once he saw them, he would hesitate and dare not say anything later.

Concubine Su Gui was a little anxious, her eyes locked on Shangguan Ping tightly.

The emperor glanced at Shangguan Ping and asked, "I don't know what Ping'er wants to ask for?"

"Royal father, my son wants to break off the engagement with Princess Yunhuang."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was very surprised.Even Concubine Su Gui was no exception. She originally thought that Shangguanping was asking the emperor to give him a marriage order.

But I don't think, he actually wants to break off the engagement, it's really great.

Concubine Su Gui was satisfied, she looked at Shangguan Ping with loving eyes.The emperor was a little angry and asked, "Why?"

"I would like to report to my father, although I have made a marriage contract with Ye Huang since I was a child, I have never had any intentions of her. Therefore, I implore my father to dissolve our engagement. From now on, marriage between men and women will be irrelevant."

What Shangguan Ping said made the emperor frown.If it was before, Yehuang really wasn't good enough for him.But now, Yehuang is more than enough to match him no matter in terms of talent or ability.

At this time, Shangguan Ping actually wanted to break off the engagement. Could it be something wrong with his mind?

While thinking about it, the emperor looked at Shangguanping and didn't speak for a long time.

Ye Ling in the main hall, ever since she heard that Shangguan Ping was going to break off the engagement with Ye Huang, was very happy, and her whole body was filled with complacency.

After a while, the emperor spoke again and asked, "Prince Ping, are you sure you want to terminate the engagement with Princess Yunhuang? Do you not regret it in the future?"

When the emperor asked 'no regrets in the future', Shangguanping hesitated.But when he thought of being poisoned by Yehuang, he became firm again, and said, "Father, my son will not regret it."

The emperor's face darkened when he heard this, and he said, "Get up first!"

"I implore my father to grant it!" Shangguan Ping did not get up, but was still kneeling.He must let the emperor decree to dissolve the engagement today, otherwise Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian will definitely not let him go.

"You?" The emperor looked at Shangguanping disappointedly, then set his eyes on Yehuang, and said, "Yunhuang, what do you mean?"

"The courtier and Prince Ping have no intention of each other. If they are reluctant to be together, they will create a pair of resentful couples. Please let the emperor make it happen." Yehuang left her seat, walked up to the emperor, and knelt down.

"You?" The emperor was too angry to speak.Originally, when he asked Yehuang, he was borrowing Yehuang's words to reject Shangguanping's request.

But now, Ye Huang actually agreed to terminate the engagement, which made it impossible for him to disagree.

Really pissed him off!

The emperor was furious, and he was extremely disappointed with Shangguanping.If it wasn't for the wrong time and place, he would definitely scold him.

What an idiot, Ye Huang must be talented and good-looking, she is no better than other women.

Disappointment was disappointment, facing Yehuang's cold and unwavering eyes, although the emperor didn't want to, he had to decree to dissolve their engagement.

"Since you have no intention of each other, then I will decree to dissolve the relationship between you."

(End of this chapter)

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