The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 334 Eating Bad Fruits

Chapter 334

Hearing Ye Feng's roar, the mother-in-law next to Liu's entered the room again.

When they saw that the person lying on the bed was Ye Ling, they were stunned.Without thinking too much, the mother-in-law ran out again and said to Mrs. Liu: "Ma'am, there is, it is..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Liu Shi: "Why are you on an errand, can't you even speak clearly? I know that the person inside is Huang'er, isn't this just going to be her decision?"

"Ma'am..." The woman knew that Mrs. Liu had misunderstood her meaning, so she opened her mouth to explain clearly.But Liu Shi didn't give her a chance to speak anymore, and said: "Go in and let Huang'er get dressed, the old man and I will make decisions for her."

When the ladies next to her heard Liu's words, they had confirmed that the person inside was Ye Huang, and couldn't help feeling sorry.

Such a thing happened at such a good banquet, and now there are only two ways left for Ye Huang, either the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha, this life, or marry the man who robbed her of her innocence.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but think of the scene where King Yun proposed to Yehuang at the palace banquet.Although King Yun Shangguan Yun's destiny is not long, it is better to be a princess than to marry someone casually.

"This Yunhuang princess, what a pity."

"Who said no?"

"To be honest, I really can't believe that the person inside will be Princess Yunhuang."

"I don't believe it either. But from Mrs. Ye's words, it's probably Princess Yunhuang."

"Sin, how could such a thing happen?"

"Who knows if it's because she doesn't think that Prince Yun is a short-lived person, that's why she sang this song."

"What nonsense, if she doesn't like King Yun, didn't there be King Ping before? Even if King Ping dared to withdraw his marriage, how could she look up to ordinary men."

"Speaking of this, why didn't I see King Yun today? It stands to reason that King Yun shouldn't be absent on such an occasion."

"It's not that you don't know that King Yun has hardly attended the banquet these years. Speaking of which, it was surprising that he attended the palace banquet that day."

"It is estimated that King Yun has taken a fancy to Princess Yun, so he will attend the palace banquet that night."

"Oh, it's really a pity, such a good couple."

Listening to the regretful voices of the wives, Mrs. Liu became more and more proud.Secretly said: "Yehuang, you are still a little tender when fighting with my wife."

At this moment, there was movement in the room, and a man came out.

Everyone looked up and was stunned.

Especially Liu Shi, whose mouth was so wide open that he could stuff an egg.She stared blankly at the man who came out, and stammered, "Ping, King Ping?"

"What are you doing standing here?" Shangguan Ping was very displeased when the good thing was interrupted, looking at the people standing outside was not pleasing to the eye.

Before, he inhaled a lot of incense, and the effect of the medicine has not passed yet.If it weren't for the fact that they were in someone else's territory, those women who entered the house just now would have died.

Of course, now that those women are not dead, it doesn't mean that he will let them go.After this matter is over, he will clean them up one by one.

You know, not everyone can see his majestic Prince Ping's body.

"I've seen the prince!" The ladies came back to their senses and knelt on the ground.They never thought that the hero in it would be King Ping.

King Ping has a lot of advantages over King Yun.However, what puzzled them was how they got involved with Yehuang again after Wang Mingming voluntarily proposed to divorce the engagement last time at the palace banquet.

Is it possible...

(End of this chapter)

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