The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 414 Brothers Killing Brothers

Chapter 414 Brothers Killing Each Other ([-])

Fortunately, Ye Ming figured it out quickly, and asked someone to pass a message to Ye Huang, asking for a detailed discussion.In this way, Ye Huang finally had something to do.

So she took Dong to the front yard where Ye Ming lived.

After two days of recuperation, Ye Ming's complexion has improved a lot. Apart from being unable to move while lying down, the injuries on his face have all healed up a lot.

"It seems that Second Uncle has figured it out?" Ye Huang sat down in front of Ye Ming's bed and asked straight to the point.

Ye Ming raised his head, glanced at Ye Huang, smiled wryly, and said mockingly, "Do I have any other choice?"

"Of course, you can choose to stay in bed forever. As long as you don't admit it, we can't do anything about you, right? But in that case, you'll have a hard time."

"You know very well that this is not what I want." Ye Ming felt bitter in his heart. If he had known that he would beg Ye Huang one day, he would never have taken action against her.

Thinking about what he has done, I really regret it.In the past, he doted on Liu Shi and loved Ye Ling, but what he got in the end was that he lay on the bed and became permanently disabled.

On the contrary, Yehuang, who treated him so well before, was the one who could save him in the end.

"Are you agreeing to my conditions?" Ye Huang asked again to confirm Ye Ming's thoughts.She didn't want to wait for her to help cure him, and he regretted it again.

"Yes!" Ye Ming nodded, then looked at Ye Huang and said, "However, I also have one condition."

Ye Huang frowned when she heard the words, a little displeased, but still said: "Let's listen."

She would like to know what Ye Ming's conditions are, as long as they are not too harsh, she can agree.If his demands were really too high, she had no choice but to find another way to deal with Ye Ming.

"I want to live!" Ye Ming said, staring at Ye Huang intently.He can tell those truths, but he has to live.Only by being alive can he have hope and realize his ambition, his ambition.

Now he is in his 30s, he is still young, he can't just die like this.

"Alive?" Ye Huang was taken aback for a moment, never thinking that Ye Ming just wanted to live.But after thinking about it, I understand.

There is hope only when people are alive.

It is reasonable for Ye Ming to think so.

Therefore, Yehuang looked at Yehuang, nodded readily, and replied, "I promise you!"

In Yehuang's view, life is worse than death, and it is more tormenting than death.The things Ye Ming did would not be enough to kill him a hundred times.

Only by making his life worse than death can he be truly punished.

Seeing that Ye Huang agreed to his terms, Ye Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief.As long as he can live, he doesn't care if he suffers a little bit.

"The conditions have been negotiated. When can you start treating my injuries?" Ye Ming looked at Ye Huang anxiously.

He wanted to stand up earlier, wanted to slap the Liu family hard, and wanted to take revenge on the Liu family.

"To show my sincerity, I can help you with the first treatment today. As for when to tell the truth, you have to wait for my arrangement."

"No problem, I'll listen to you." Ye Ming was so happy when he heard that he started to treat him today, he agreed without thinking about it.

Ye Huang told Ye Ming some things to prepare, and told him to come over in the afternoon to help with the first treatment before leaving.

Back at Liufangyuan, Yehuang wrote a request to enter the palace to see him, and had someone pass it to the emperor.

Two days later, there was a reply from the emperor, and Yehuang brought Dong into the palace.

After meeting the emperor in Chengqian Palace, Yehuang expressed her intention and request.

 Thank you Ziyuan for your reward.Thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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