The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 472 The Eve of the Wedding

Chapter 472 The Eve of the Wedding ([-])

"Thank you, father, for your kindness. My son has already done everything. There is nothing missing." Shangguan Yuntian said lightly, becoming more and more vigilant towards the emperor.

Originally, the prince's wedding was supposed to be organized by the Ministry of Rites, but the emperor didn't say a word. When the officials proposed, he also rejected it.

As a last resort, he had to do it himself.But I don't think, everything is done, and the emperor actually said such a thing again, what the hell is he planning?
Hearing Shangguan Yuntian's words of 'it's already done', the emperor was a little heartbroken.Before, he purposely blocked the Rites and refused to let him show up, just to prevent Shangguan Yuntian's marriage from being held as scheduled.

Now, he actually said that it has been done, it seems that his calculations have failed again.

Damn it, why is Shangguan Yuntian so annoying.

But it has to be said that his ability is the best among the princes.If, if not...

The emperor didn't think about it any further.

Originally, Shangguan Yuntian was the best candidate for the crown prince, but what a pity...

The emperor sighed, looking at Shangguan Yuntian in a daze.

The strangeness of the emperor fell into Shangguan Yuntian's eyes, making his gaze deeper and deeper.However, he didn't say anything, didn't open his mouth, just waited quietly.

Fortunately, the emperor quickly came back to his senses, then looked at Shangguan Yuntian again, and said: "Since you have already done it, father will not say anything more."

After finishing speaking, the emperor stood up, took a box from the table, walked up to Shangguan Yuntian, and said, "This is a gift I prepared for you, accept it!"

Shangguan Yuntian looked at the box, hesitated for a moment, but still took it.No matter what the emperor planned to do, he had to accept this box.

"Thank you father!" Shangguan Yuntian took the box and thanked happily.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian put the box away, the emperor became happy and patted his shoulder without saying a word.

Shangguan Yuntian put the box away, glanced at the extremely happy emperor, his eyes twinkled.That weird feeling surged into his heart again, which made him a little afraid of the things in the box.

The emperor didn't notice Shangguan Yuntian's strangeness, and talked with him for a while before letting him out of the palace.

As soon as he left the palace gate, Shangguan Yuntian wanted to open the box to take a look, but he didn't know what he thought of, so his hand stopped on the box, but he didn't open it in the end.

Afterwards, he studied the box carefully, but found nothing, so he had to put it down, and was going to go to Ye Huang to see if she could find anything.

As usual, Shangguan Yuntian did not go through the gate, but climbed over the wall and entered the General's Mansion, and went straight to Liufangyuan.

Unexpectedly, he was about to enter the yard when several people dressed as sergeants came out and blocked his way.

Shangguan Yuntian raised his eyebrows and looked at those sergeants.

"What does this mean?"

"Prince Yun, I'm sorry, this subordinate is ordered by the Major General not to let you meet the princess before the wedding." Several sergeants betrayed Ye Su as soon as they opened their mouths, and they were really drunk.

Hearing that it was Ye Su's order, Shangguan Yuntian made a silent note for him in his heart, and then said, "What if I insist on seeing you?"

"It's our duty, please don't embarrass us, King Yun." Several soldiers said in unison, blocking the door to prevent Shangguan Yuntian from entering.

Shangguan Yuntian glanced at the few people, but did not embarrass them, turned and left.

Seeing that Shangguan Yuntian had left unexpectedly, they were very surprised.However, their surprise didn't last even two seconds, and they saw Shangguan Yuntian flying up, directly over the courtyard wall and entered inside.

 Second more offer!
(End of this chapter)

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