The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 480 Prosperous Wedding

Chapter 480 Prosperous Wedding ([-])

In Ye Feng's heart, Ye Huang's favorite granddaughter is his military adviser and his little padded jacket.In Murong Jue's eyes, Ye Huang is a monster, a naughty bastard, and his only apprentice.

In the past, they all held Yehuang in their hands, cared for them carefully, and loved them dearly.Now, she is going to be handed over to another man, so that another man will protect her and love her.

The two of them watched Yehuang approaching them step by step without blinking their eyes, and watched her kneel down towards them.

"Yehuang bids farewell to grandpa, farewell to master!"

Yehuang kowtowed to the two of them, with a smile in her eyes, holding back her tears.She has never been a fragile person, but at this moment, she wants to cry.

"Good boy, get up!" Ye Feng raised his hand to make Ye Huang stand up, and carefully told her to get along well with Shangguan Yuntian and remember to come back often.

At the end, Ye Feng's eyes were wet.

Seeing that he was about to shed tears, Yehuang said quickly: "Grandpa, don't be sad, I will come back to see you often."

Murong Jue didn't say much, he took out a box from his side, handed it to Yehuang and said, "Girl, this is a wedding gift from my teacher!"

Yehuang thanked, took the things with a smile, and asked Dong to help carry them.Afterwards, Yehuang leaned over and bid farewell to the elders again.

At this time, a young servant hurried over and said, "General, King Yun is here!"

Hearing this, several people were taken aback.

Why did Shangguan Yuntian enter the mansion? Didn't he pick people up outside the mansion?
Before a few people came back to their senses, Shangguan Yuntian had already entered the hall, looking at Yehuang standing in the middle, he was stunned.

His Huang'er is so beautiful!

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian who was in a daze, Yehuang smiled faintly at him.

This smile made Shangguan Yuntian unable to recover, he was stunned in place, forgot to speak, forgot to move.

Looking at Ye Su from the side, he felt finally balanced.

"Su'er, why are you still in a daze, why don't you go out with your sister behind your back." Ye Feng came back to his senses, gave Ye Su a look, and ordered.

Ye Feng's words finally brought Shangguan Yuntian back to his senses, and then he dodged in front of Yehuang, quickly picked her up, and fled outside.

Just kidding, how could his Huang'er be carried by others?

If you want to carry it, he will carry it.

It's just that it's inconvenient to carry someone back, so let's hug it directly.

When Ye Su reacted, Shangguan Yuntian had already walked away holding Yehuang.

"Hey, Shangguan Yuntian, come back!" Ye Su ran after the two of them, shouting while chasing.

Shangguan Yuntian didn't pay any attention to the shouts behind him.Right now, he just wants to hide Ye Huang well so that no one else can see him. He has completely forgotten about the hijab.

When Xia chased out with the hijab, Yehuang had already been sent to the sedan chair by Shangguan Yuntian.

Xia had no choice but to run to the sedan chair and put the hijab inside.

Yehuang took over the hijab and put it on her head casually.

At this time, Ye Su also chased to the door, looking at the team that was preparing to pick up the sedan chair, his heart was filled with distress.

The damned Shangguan Yuntian actually deprived him of his only chance to carry his sister, and he wanted to swear against him.

Shangguan Yuntian didn't care about Ye Su's thoughts at all. At this moment, he only wanted to welcome Ye Huang back to the mansion as soon as possible.

The sedan chair was lifted up, blowing and beating all the way to the direction of Prince Yun's mansion, followed by a long dowry procession.

On both sides of the street, people stood full of people, watching this prosperous flower wedding.The raised dowry made countless people envious.

 It's five o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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