The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 503 Murder in the Marriage Room

Chapter 503 Murder in the Marriage Room ([-])
Yehuang glanced lightly at the food and wine on the table, her eyes gradually darkened.Turning her head, she glanced at Su Yueru meaningfully, then withdrew her gaze.

Su Yueru was picking up a dish with chopsticks, when she felt Ye Huang's gaze, her movements froze.

It wasn't until Yehuang looked away that she put the dish into Yehuang's bowl, and said, "Princess, please use it!"

Yehuang raised her head, looked at Su Yueru, laughed, and said, "That's right, he's smart. Why don't you help me try these dishes first."

Su Yueru stared blankly at Yehuang.She never thought that Yehuang would let her try the dishes. Could it be that something happened to her?
"What's the matter?" Yehuang looked at Su Yueru in a daze, and asked, pretending not to understand.

"No, it's nothing." Su Yueru replied while feeling relieved.Just now she took a closer look at Ye Huang's expression, and nothing unusual happened.Yehuang probably didn't know the mystery of this dish.

But why did she ask her to try the dishes?

Could it be that she has always been so careful?

Just as she was thinking, Yehuang's voice came into her ears again.

"Is it difficult?" Yehuang said while observing Su Yueru's reaction.Sure enough, her words made the other party nervous.

It seemed that her guess was right, the other party put a lot of thought into this dish.

"No, no, this servant will test the dishes for the concubine." Su Yueru came back to her senses, answered, picked up a small plate, took a little bit of each dish, and ate in front of Yehuang.

Fortunately, that person had already prepared and asked her to take the antidote in advance, otherwise she would be exposed now.

Su Yueru finished eating all the dishes on the plate, then she looked at Ye Huang and said, "Princess, these dishes taste good."

"Very good!" Yehuang nodded, feeling a little puzzled, but her face didn't show at all.

It seems that the person in front of him is not easy to deal with.This dish with added ingredients can be eaten, which shows two problems. One is that the other party has been prepared and took the antidote in advance;

But judging from the other party's nervousness at that moment just now, it doesn't seem like he didn't know.Then there is only one reason, the other party took the antidote in advance.

Only in this way can it make sense why she is willing to try dishes.

Having figured it out, the smile on Ye Huang's face grew stronger, and she said, "Since these dishes taste good, let me try them."

As she said that, she picked up two chopsticks and put them into the bowl by herself, then lowered her head and started to eat.

While bowing her head, Yehuang secretly observed the expression on Su Yueru's face from the corner of her eye.Sure enough, seeing her eating, the other party seemed to be relieved, showing a relieved expression.

Fortunately, Yehuang took a detoxification pill this morning.As long as it is not a particularly powerful poison, nothing will happen.

Coupled with the fact that she was hungry, Ye Huang also ate a lot.

Su Yueru watched Ye Huang eat a lot of the food and wine that she carefully prepared, with a faint smile on her face, she said proudly: "Princess, do you know? Today's food and wine are prepared for you by my servant herself."

"Oh, is that so? You have a heart." Yehuang responded lightly, looked at Su Yueru, and wanted to hear what she wanted to say.

"These wine and dishes are delicious, aren't they?" Su Yueru became more and more complacent, ordered one of the dishes, and said, "I added something to this dish that can make the princess feel weak."

"As for this?" Su Yueru pointed to another dish, and said, "It's a good thing that can make the princess want to die for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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