The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 510 Marriage ceremony

Chapter 510 The Ritual of Husband and Wife ([-])

"Is there any discomfort?" Shangguan Yuntian was always worried that he was too intemperate before, worried that he might hurt Ye Huang.

It's good that Shangguan Yuntian didn't mention this, but when he mentioned it, Yehuang immediately felt his body sore and limp, as if he had been run over by a truck, and he didn't even want to move his fingers.

She raised her eyes, glared at Shangguan Yuntian, and said coquettishly, "What do you think?"

However, what Ye Huang didn't know was that the way she stared at this time not only lacked any momentum, but instead carried a taste of being coquettish and bewitching.

Shangguan Yuntian looked at her, and was immediately bewildered. He looked at her stupidly, and couldn't move his eyes for a long time.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian suddenly froze, Yehuang stretched out her hand and pushed him, and said softly, "Why are you so dazed, hurry up and wash, the water is getting cold."

Shangguan Yuntian came back to his senses, looked at Yehuang, his eyes became hot again.

Sensing the change in Shangguan Yuntian's aura, Yehuang was startled and stood up to run away.

Just kidding, just now Shangguan Yuntian tormented her for so long, but she was exhausted.Although, she actually enjoys it quite a bit, but she doesn't want to be tossed all the time.

Anyway, let her rest for a day or two, right?

Ye Huang thought that she was pretty, but she underestimated the man who had just begun to be a meaty man.Shangguan Yuntian saw that Yehuang was about to escape, how could she get what she wanted, so he stretched out his hand and grabbed her jade feet, and with a little force, he brought her back into the water again.

"Shangguan Yuntian, let me go." Yehuang struggled, trying to get up again.Shangguan Yuntian didn't give her a chance, he stretched out his arms and trapped her in his arms.

"Good Huang'er, let's have it once in the water, okay?" Shangguan Yuntian coaxed her softly while hugging Yehuang.

"Not good!" Yehuang refused without thinking.She doesn't want it anymore, okay, whether it's on the bed or in the water.She is tired, wants to rest, wants to sleep.

"Huang'er, are you okay?" Shangguan Yuntian did not give up, he let Yehuang cling to his body, feeling his heat, and pleaded.

"Huang'er, I beg you, just once, just once, okay?"

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian's pitiful appearance, Yehuang's heart softened and he hesitated.

Shangguan Yuntian saw Ye Huang's hesitation, felt that there was a door, and begged again: "Good Huang'er, please give me a favor, just once."

In the end, Yehuang still nodded softly, but she didn't notice the flash of light in Shangguan Yuntian's eyes and the triumphant smile.

Yehuang nodded, and Shangguan Yuntian no longer hesitated, and once again grabbed Yehuang's red lips and kissed.

The water was turbulent, and a shameful voice sounded again in the house.

The hidden guards in the courtyard blushed, wishing they could disappear.

The voices in the room stopped again, Shangguan Yuntian kept his promise and did not continue as long as it was done once.Although he was still not satisfied, he knew that Ye Huang was exhausted.

So, after it was over, he helped Ye Huang dry her body, and carried her back to the bed.

At this time, Yehuang didn't have any strength at all, so don't move, she didn't even want to say anything.She let Shangguan Yuntian help her until she lay on the bed and soon fell asleep.

When Shangguan Yuntian went to bed, Yehuang was already asleep.

Shangguan Yuntian was lying on the bed, but he couldn't sleep.He turned sideways and looked at Ye Huang with soft and affectionate eyes.

He kissed Yehuang's forehead, hugged her in his arms, and then slowly fell asleep amid Yehuang's breathing.

The two slept until noon the next day before waking up.

 It's five o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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