The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 513 Sweet Wedding

Chapter 513 Sweet Wedding ([-])

"That's right, I'm just crazy. If you're still angry, I'll keep going crazy." Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang seriously, God knows how much he couldn't bear her to be angry, and he even couldn't bear her to frown a little.

Yehuang was completely speechless, she gave Shangguan Yuntian a blank look, and said, "That's fine, I'm not angry."

"Huang'er, are you not angry? Really?" Shangguan Yuntian was overjoyed and looked at Yehuang suspiciously.

"Really!" Yehuang replied angrily, pushing him away to wash and groom herself.

But Shangguan Yuntian hugged her tightly, she couldn't move at all, so she had to say again: "Let go of me, I have to wash my face and brush my teeth, and I have to eat later. Aren't you hungry?"

Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian's stomach, he didn't eat anything last night, and it will be a long time, so it's no wonder he wasn't hungry.

Not to mention him, I was so hungry after dinner that my chest was stuck to my back.

"Okay!" Hearing that Yehuang was hungry, Shangguan Yuntian didn't fight with her any more, he let go of her reluctantly, went to take her clothes, and helped him put them on himself.

While putting on her clothes, Yehuang glanced at Shangguan Yuntian suspiciously.Why did he suddenly seem like a different person? It's weird.

After getting dressed and getting out of bed, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian went to wash up together.

The two had just finished when there was another knock on the door outside.Before Shangguan Yuntian could go to open the door, Yehuang had already made a sound.

"Come in!"

After hearing Ye Huang's words, Dong and Xia came in with the food and placed it on the table.

The two set up the food and retreated with a wink.

Shangguan Yuntian was very satisfied watching the two leave, and a flash of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

"Huang'er, come, drink a bowl of soup first to warm your stomach." Shangguan Yuntian made a bowl of soup for Yehuang first, and handed it to her.

Yehuang glanced at Shangguan Yuntian, took it with a smile, and took a few sips.

After eating the hot soup, the whole person felt warmed up.

Smelling the aroma of vegetables, Yehuang's appetite whetted.

Shangguan Yuntian watched Ye Huang eat happily, and kept helping her with food.She didn't take a few bites until she was full.

"Yuntian, aren't you hungry?" Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian speechlessly, but he stared at him directly, and even forgot to eat.

"The beauty is delicious." Shangguan Yuntian replied with a smile before asking: "Are you full?"

"I'm full, what's the matter?" Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian with a puzzled face, not knowing what he meant by asking this question.

On the other hand, Shangguan Yuntian, when he heard that Yehuang had eaten, he didn't even eat, he just got up and hugged her and walked to the big bed.

It wasn't until this moment that Yehuang knew what Shangguan Yuntian meant by the question just now, so she glared at him angrily and said, "You bastard, I've only had enough to eat, please let me down."

"It's because we're full that we need to exercise to digest and digest, don't we?" Shangguan Yuntian put on a smirk and quickly arrived at the bedside, and put Yehuang on the bed.

Falling on the bed, Yehuang rolled and wanted to get up, but Shangguan Yuntian was one step ahead of her, grabbed her jade leg, and pulled her down on the bed again.

Yehuang struggled, but was defeated in the end, and became Shangguan Yuntian's lunch.

After the cloud and rain dispersed, Shangguan Yuntian gently hugged Yehuang and kissed her forehead, feeling extremely satisfied in his heart.

On the first day of their wedding, except for eating and solving physical problems, Ye Huang spent the rest of the time in bed.

Also really drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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