The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 523 Dark prison interrogation

Chapter 523 Interrogation in a Dark Prison ([-])

The dark prison is located in the southwest corner of Prince Yun's mansion. It is said to be a dark prison, but it is actually an underground prison.

Several people first entered a courtyard, then pressed a switch to open a secret passage, and then walked in.

The tunnel is not very long, about 50 meters.Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian stood in front of an underground cell within a short time.

"My lord, my concubine, wait a moment, my subordinates go down and bring those two." Qin Chao asked the two to wait in the room next to the execution room, and went to bring the prisoner himself.

After a while, Qin Chao brought Shangguan Luo and Su Yueru over.

Seeing Shangguan Luo, Yehuang was stunned for a moment, never thinking that he would be here.Of course, she would not sympathize with him. A self-righteous person who does not know what is good or bad is not worthy of sympathy.

If he was still in the dungeon, he might still be alive.Now, he has fallen into their hands again, and whether he lives or dies depends on their mood.

Qin Chao brought Shangguan Luo and Su Yueru into the execution room together, and began to interrogate them.

His question was very simple, it was nothing more than who sent them here and how they got into Prince Yun's Mansion.

Regarding the defense of the mansion, Qin Chao is still very confident.If it wasn't for the internal response of the mansion, not to mention Shangguan Luo and Su Yueru, even martial arts masters might not be able to come in.

Regarding Qin Chao's question, Shangguan Luo and Su Yueru kept silent and even ignored him.

Seeing the two of them like this, Qin Chao became annoyed again, picked up the instrument of torture at the side, and was about to torture the two of them.

At this time, Yehuang walked into the execution room and stopped him with a voice.

Seeing Yehuang, hatred burst out in the eyes of Shangguan Luo and Su Yueru at the same time, and they stared at her fiercely, as if they wanted to eat her flesh and drink her blood.

Seeing the hateful gazes of the two, Ye Huang seemed to have no feeling, and took a step forward to look at the two of them.

It can be seen that these two people have suffered a lot in the past few days, not to mention their tattered clothes, they have also suffered a lot.It should have been whipped by something like a whip.

"Yehuang, what do you want to do?" Su Yueru had a shadow of Yehuang in her heart, and when she saw her stepping forward, she screamed.

"What do you think?" Yehuang laughed, and the entire torture room became brighter.

Seeing Yehuang's smile, Shangguan Luo was stunned and looked at her obsessively.Back then, the first time he saw Yehuang, he was fascinated by her face.Later, her intelligence conquered him again.So much so that he did not hesitate to capture Ye Su in order to threaten her to marry him.

The hateful thing is that she would rather marry Shangguan Yuntian, a short-lived ghost, than him.Not only that, she was the one who ruined his hard work over the years and made him a prisoner.

If it wasn't for the man in black, maybe he would have gone to see Hades long ago.

Now, although he is still alive, he has a hunch that he may not live for a long time.

At this time, Shangguan Luo actually regretted it.I regret not listening to the man in black for revenge.Otherwise, he would not be caught by Shangguan Yuntian and imprisoned in this dark cell.

If the emperor still thinks about that trace of family affection, then Shangguan Yuntian will definitely not.He would have wanted to kill him.

Thinking about it, Shangguan Luo raised his head and looked at Shangguan Yuntian, and he really saw Shangguan Yuntian's eyes that he wanted to crush to death.

Seeing that look, Shangguan Luo laughed, looking at him provocatively with the idea of ​​breaking the pot.

Shangguan Yuntian was upset because Shangguan Luo was looking at Yehuang obsessively, and was about to step forward and teach him a lesson.I don't want him not only to not restrain himself, but to provoke him, isn't this courting death?
(End of this chapter)

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