The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 537 Nanan Chenwang

Chapter 537 Nan'an Chenwang ([-])

Before the two entered the yard, they heard the sound of fighting.Those assassins have already fought with the guards in the mansion.

"Catch them, and don't let them go." Shangguan Yuntian ordered immediately after entering the yard.These people must never be let go.

Following Shangguan Yuntian's order, there were more guards in the yard.

Soon, the man in black was at a disadvantage and was gradually taken down by the guards.

Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang ignored the fight in the yard, but went straight to Loufeng's room.

Just as the two were about to enter the room, they saw two men in black leading Lou Feng about to flee.

"Stop!" Yehuang yelled, the silver needle flashed in her hand, and walked towards the two men in black.

The man in black who was about to take Lou Feng away felt the attack behind him and turned around to resist.

When they turned around like this, Ye Huang and Shangguan Yun realized that one of the men in black was wearing a golden mask and couldn't see the other's face at all.

"Since you're here, why hide your head and show your tail?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at the masked man coldly, and said lightly.

If their previous guess is correct, this masked man is likely to be Nangong Chen, King Chen of Nan'an Kingdom.

"King Yun, don't worry, we will meet again." The masked man smiled faintly, and suddenly threw something from his hand.

As the things were thrown out, a puff of smoke filled the air, blocking Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang's sight.

When the smoke cleared, there was no trace of the masked man and Lou Feng.

"Chase!" Shangguan Yuntian gave an order, and the guards immediately chased him out.But it was already too late, after chasing for a long distance, there was no trace of the man in black.

However, Shangguan Yuntian and the others didn't know that the man in black hadn't fled away at all. There was a courtyard one street away from the Wangfu, where they settled.

"My lord, why are you here?" In the courtyard, Lou Feng just woke up and saw Nan Gongchen standing in front of the bed, he couldn't help but was shocked.

I don't know what medicine Princess Yun gave him yesterday. Since they left, he has been tortured for a while and has been in a coma.

This time, he just woke up, but he didn't expect to see his master.

"Uncle Lou, are you okay?" Nangong Chen looked at Lou Feng and asked.The reason why he wanted to save Lou Feng was not only because he was the steward of his palace, but more importantly, he was the father of his general.

Lou Feng's son, Lou Yong is one of his generals.In addition, he had already been found out clearly that Shangguan Yuntian did not torture Lou Feng, that is to say, Lou Feng did not betray him, so he took the risk to save him.

"My lord, this subordinate is fine. Thank you lord for saving my life." Lou Feng was about to get out of bed as he spoke, but was stopped by Nan Gongchen and said, "Lou Feng, you have worked hard these years, take a good rest. My lord See you again in a while."

After finishing speaking, Nangongli left in a hurry with his men.

Therefore, when Shangguan Yuntian and Ye Huang arrived following the tracking incense on Lou Feng's body, there was no one else except Lou Feng and a few people Nan Gongchen left behind to take care of Lou Feng.

Seeing the small courtyard with only a few people left, Shangguan Yuntian was overwhelmed.Yehuang's complexion was not very good either, they had rushed over as fast as they could, but the masked man still left.

damn it!
If it wasn't for the smoke bomb, they would have arrested the masked man long ago.

Not catching the masked man, the husband and wife were in a bad mood, beat up the people in the courtyard, and then took them back to the palace.

 The second one is here!I wish you a happy Valentine's Day!

(End of this chapter)

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