The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 545 Emperor’s Birthday

Chapter 545 Emperor's Birthday ([-])

Hearing this news, Shangguan Yun was in dire straits.

Damn Nangongchen, no wonder he didn't move during this period of time, so this is the moment he was waiting for.Now that he has become an envoy, even if he appeared in front of him, he would not dare to do anything to him.

After all, this is related to the diplomatic relations between the two countries.Once something happens to Nan Gongchen in Jokhang Kingdom, Nan'an Kingdom will definitely not let it go.

Hearing that the envoys of Nangong Kingdom were about to arrive, the emperor specially asked Eunuch Liu to pass the decree and let Shangguan Yuntian enter the palace.

"I have seen my father, but I don't know what my father called my son into the palace?" Shangguan Yuntian looked up at the emperor after seeing the ceremony.

This was the first time the emperor called him into the palace after he learned that he was fine, and he didn't know what the emperor had planned.

"King Yun, since you were poisoned and fell ill, I haven't arranged any errands for you. Now that your health has recovered, I will entrust you with the task of receiving envoys. What do you think?"

Originally, the emperor didn't want Shangguan Yuntian to interfere in the court affairs at all.It's just that the ministers of the court and the central government have frequently posted a book to speak for Shangguan Yuntian recently, which annoyed him very much.As a last resort, he was given the task of receiving envoys.

Shangguan Yuntian was taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't expect the emperor to entrust him with this task, he couldn't recover for a while.

"Why, you don't want to?" The emperor saw that Shangguan Yuntian didn't respond, and his face darkened.

"My son leads the decree!" Shangguan Yuntian came back to his senses and took over the task.No matter what the emperor's idea was, since he decided to stand in front of people, he didn't mind doing something.

What's more, even if the emperor didn't say anything, he still wanted to meet Nan Gongchen for a while to see who he really was, where did the hatred for him come from, and why he was plotting against him again and again.

Shangguan Yuntian asked himself, except that Nan'an country violated the frontier and fought against Nan'an, he had never been to Nan'an country, nor had he offended anyone in the southern country.

After receiving the imperial edict, Shangguan Yuntian quickly found the Minister of Rites and told him to prepare for the envoy of Nan'an Kingdom.As for himself, he went back to the palace first, so as not to worry Ye Huang.

When Yehuang heard that the emperor asked Shangguan Yuntian to be responsible for welcoming the envoys from Nan'an Kingdom, she was very surprised.She thought the emperor would keep Shangguan Yuntian idle like this.

"Huang'er, what do you think the emperor is up to?" Shangguan Yuntian was still a little worried even though he took over the job.

"It doesn't matter what he thinks, we just need to be careful. Now that you have already taken over this job, don't think too much about it, just do it well. Besides, isn't there someone from the Ministry of Rites? You just need to show up Just face."

"What I'm talking about is that it's useless to worry about it now. It's better to finish the errands first." Shangguan Yuntian didn't get too entangled. Seeing that the envoys of Nan'an Kingdom were about to enter the city, he left the palace and met with the officials from the Ministry of Rites. The officials met and went to the city gate to greet them.

Not long after Shangguan Yuntian left the palace, Yehuang also left the palace, found a teahouse facing the street, ordered a pot of tea and snacks, sat by the window drinking tea, and waiting for the envoys to arrive.

At this time, on both sides of the street, there were already many people watching the excitement.Although envoys would come here every year, no one would be too much to watch the excitement.

As long as there is nothing wrong, everyone is still willing to take a look.After all, they are envoys from other countries, and they all want to see them.

At this time, at the gate of the city, Shangguan Yuntian was waiting quietly with a group of guards and officials from the Ministry of Rites.

Suddenly, as the sound of horseshoes approached, a team appeared on the official road.

In front of the team, a red flag fluttered in the wind, with the words Nan'an written on it.

 It's five o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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