The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 549 A Foreign Envoy

Chapter 549

"Why didn't Huang'er enter the palace with you?" The queen mother asked with a smile.

"Didn't my grandson be called into the palace by my father? How could Huang'er come with me? If the imperial grandmother misses her, grandson will let her come into the palace to pay your respects in a few days."

"Okay, I haven't seen you for a while, the Ai family still blames Miss Huang."

"Huang'er will be very happy to hear this."

Shangguan Yuntian talked with the Queen Mother for a while before leaving the palace.

Back in the mansion, Yehuang hadn't woken up yet, Shangguan Yuntian took a book and sat by the bed to guard her.As he watched, he thought about the emperor's intention to call him into the palace today.

Nothing happened, and let him enter the palace, what does the emperor want to do?
Could it be that he wanted to give the ministers a signal?
Thinking of this possibility, Shangguan Yuntian's gaze became sharp.Since the emperor wanted to act, he did so.

I just don't know how he would react when he knew that Nangongchen had a lot of eyeliners and manpower in the palace?

When Yehuang woke up, it was already sunset.Dim light came in through the window and sprinkled in the room, as if covered with a layer of golden light.

Yehuang woke up leisurely and opened her eyes.When he saw someone sitting by the bed, he gritted his teeth severely.

Hearing the movement, Shangguan Yuntian put down the book, turned to look at Yehuang, and said with a smile, "Lady, you're awake."

"Hmph!" Yehuang snorted coldly, ignoring Shangguan Yuntian.He reached out and rubbed his still sore waist.

Seeing Yehuang's movements, Shangguan Yuntian's eyes dimmed, and his big hands landed on her waist, and began to massage her.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian's understanding, Ye Huang's mood improved a lot, and her face softened.

A quarter of an hour later, the soreness on Yehuang's body dissipated a lot, and then she got up from the bed.

Shangguan Yuntian helped Yehuang get dressed, and led her to the flower hall for dinner with a smile.

After dinner, the two took a walk in the garden.

At this time, Dong walked up to the two of them, handed a small bamboo tube containing the news to Ye Huang, and said, "Princess, this is the news I just received."

After Yehuang received the message and asked Dong to retreat, she opened it and read it.

After reading it, Yehuang handed the note to Shangguan Yuntian.

Shangguan Yuntian glanced at it, directly destroyed the news with internal force, and then said: "It seems that I have been busy these two days."

Yehuang patted Shangguan Yuntian on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "It seems that this capital is going to be lively for a while."

It was just reported that envoys from Beimo, Donghua, and Xishui Kingdom are coming soon.In this way, it is no wonder that the capital is not lively.

Over the years, there have been constant frictions between countries, but now they have gathered together, and it would be strange if something happened.

"Well, there are probably a lot of things going on."

"I don't care about other people's affairs. I'm afraid that the emperor and Nangong Chen will take the opportunity to make something happen."

"Don't worry, I will let people watch them. Besides, if your previous strategy works, it should be impossible for the emperor and Nangongchen to continue to cooperate."

There was nothing to say all night, and Shangguan Yuntian went to court early the next morning.

The imperial palace, Guiyuan Hall, the emperor has not come yet, the ministers are standing together in twos and threes, talking and waiting.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian entering the palace, the ministers came forward to say hello with smiles.Especially the generals, almost all surrounded Shangguan Yuntian.

Even though he has no military power now, the generals' admiration for Shangguan Yuntian remains unabated.

"My lord, how to solve this problem?"

"My lord, what do you think of this training plan for the last general?"

(End of this chapter)

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