The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 551 Envoys Entering Beijing

Chapter 551 Envoys Enter Beijing ([-])

"What? Are you jealous?" Yehuang smiled, pulled Shangguan Yuntian to sit down together, and said, "Don't worry, I won't go alone, you and I will go together."

"What jealousy? I'm worried that you will suffer. Nangong Chen is not a good person, he is very cunning." Shangguan Yuntian snorted coldly, but he would not admit that he was actually jealous.

When he thought of Nangong Chen posting directly to Ye Huang, he was so annoyed that he silently made a note to the other party in his heart, thinking of finding a chance to get it back.

"Yes, you're not jealous, you just care about me." Yehuang laughed and didn't expose her.Sometimes, this man has to stroke his hair, otherwise he will be troublesome if he gets awkward.

Hearing Yehuang's words, Shangguan Yuntian finally felt better, and then asked: "When does he ask you, I will go with you."

"Three quarters before the hour." When Yehuang said it, Shangguan Yuntian nodded to show that he knew.

At this time, the annex, the courtyard where Nangongchen lived.

A guard in Tsing Yi looked at Nan Gongchen who was drinking tea in the pavilion, and asked, "My lord, will Princess Yun attend the appointment?"

"What do you think?" Nan Gongchen put down his teacup and glanced at the guard in Tsing Yi.

"This subordinate doesn't know." The guard in Tsing Yi shook his head. When he sent the post just now, he was blocked in the concierge, and he didn't see anyone at all.

But now, more than an hour has passed since he sent the post, but the other party has not responded at all.He was really worried, worried that the other party would give the master this face.

"Don't worry, she will agree." Nangong Chen laughed after hearing this, with a determined expression on his face.Although he didn't know much about Yehuang, he knew one thing, the other party wanted to kill him.

Therefore, he dared to conclude that Ye Huang would definitely attend today's appointment.

While the master and servant were talking, the people from the other hall came in, and after saluting Nangong Chen, they took out a post and handed it to him, saying, "His Royal Highness, this is a post sent by someone from Prince Yun's mansion." .”

Nangong Chen took a look at the post, laughed, and said, "Sure enough, as I expected, she agreed."

"Chu Mo, go and make arrangements. Concubine Yun asks Ben Wang to meet at Zuixiang Tower."

"Yes, I'm going right now." Chu Mo, the bodyguard in Tsing Yi, cupped his fists at Nangong Chen and left the pavilion.

After lunch, Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang took a nap, and then got up to go to Nangongchen's appointment.

At three o'clock, Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian arrived at Zuixiang Tower on time, but Nangong Chen had already arrived, waiting for them in the private room.

Chu Mo saw Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian arriving, so he came out to greet him, and said, "I have met King Yun, Princess Yun, my master is waiting in the elegant room."

"Lead the way." Shangguan Yuntian said lightly, took Yehuang's hand and entered Zuixiang Building together, and went up to the private room on the second floor.

"My lord, King Yun and Princess Yun are here!" Chu Mo reported at the door.

"Please come in." Nangong Chen's voice came out, Chu Mo opened the door for the two of them, and said, "Please, both of you!"

Shangguan Yuntian and Ye Huang walked into the private room together, while Chu Mo stood guard outside and closed the door smoothly.

"King Chen!"

"King Yun, Princess Yun!"

Nangong Chen stood up, greeted the two of them, and said: "Chen took the liberty to meet up, please don't mind, both of you, please sit down!"

Shangguan Yuntian glanced at Nangongchen lightly, and sat down on the chair opposite him with Yehuang.

"I don't know if King Chen asked Ben Wang and his concubine to come, what advice do you have?"

(End of this chapter)

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