The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 553 Envoys Entering Beijing

Chapter 553 Envoys Enter Beijing ([-])

"Prince Chen is absurd." Yehuang glanced at Nangong Chen lightly, then withdrew her gaze.No matter what the other party's idea is, she will not easily fall into the other party's trap.

Nangong Chen originally thought that Yehuang would be more talkative than Shangguan Yuntian, but he didn't expect her to be better than Shangguan Yuntian, so he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Shangguan Yuntian saw Nangong Chen's expression in his eyes, sneered in his heart, and said: "If King Chen has nothing else to do, and I have business to do, I will take my leave first."

What Nangongchen's idea was, he guessed a little bit, and he didn't like the other party, so he didn't want to waste it any more.

"It's my king who wasted King Yun's time, King Yun please." Nan Gongchen didn't find a sudden break, and it was hard to force the two of them to stay.

"If that's the case, let's take our leave first." Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang stood up together, ready to leave.

Nangong Chen also got up at the same time, and wanted to send the two of them off.

Yehuang's eyes flickered when she saw that Nangong Chen was about to send herself and Shangguan Yuntian off, and when the other party walked to her side, her fingertips moved slightly.

After seeing off Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian, Nangong Chen returned to the private room with a gloomy face, took a sip of tea, and said coldly: "Shangguan Yuntian, since you are shameless, don't blame me. "

"Come here!" Nangong Chen called out, and Chu Mo walked in.

"My lord!"

"You tell the emperor in the palace the news that King Yun and I met in Zuixiang Tower today."


Chu Mo took the order to leave, and Nan Gongchen sat in the Zuixiang Tower for a while before leaving.

After returning to the annex, Nan Gongchen went back to his room to deal with some matters.Unexpectedly, at this moment, a strange feeling came from his body, which surprised him.

He quickly took off his clothes, looked at himself, and his expression changed instantly.

I saw a lot of red spots growing on his body at some point, and it felt a little itchy.

Nangongchen looked at those red dots, but didn't dare to grab them, but just touched them with his hands.But he didn't want to, his touch made his body itch a little bit more.

Nangong Chen was so itchy that he couldn't help but kept touching it.But it didn't work at all, and finally started to grab it.

When Chu Mo came back after delivering the letter, he saw Nan Gongchen constantly grabbing at him, he couldn't help being shocked, and while going to the door to stop him, he immediately sent someone to call for a doctor.

The doctor was invited into the annex, and after showing it to Nan Gongchen, he only said that he was allergic, left a box of ointment and left.

Nangong Chen didn't care, thinking that there was something unclean on his body.So, he not only threw away the clothes he was wearing before, but also took a shower specially, and applied the ointment left by the doctor, thinking that he would be fine soon.

But he didn't want to, at night, his body started to itch again, making him want to scratch the skin off his body.

Seeing his master in pain, Chu Mo went to invite another doctor.But after some inspection, it was still the same rhetoric.

In the end, I had no choice but to invite the imperial physician in the palace to come for diagnosis and treatment.

The imperial doctor saw it and told Nangongchen that he had been infected with itching powder.However, there is no cure for the itch powder, and it will heal automatically after the effect of the medicine wears off.

Hearing the imperial physician's words, Nan Gongchen's face darkened instantly.He originally thought that he had accidentally touched something unclean.

But now the words of the imperial physician made him understand that he was plotted against.

But who plotted against him, he didn't have any clue for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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