The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 555 Envoys Entering Beijing

Chapter 555 Envoys Enter Beijing ([-])

"Huang'er, in the future, you should prepare more poison on your body. When you see Nangong Chen, you are welcome to greet him."

Hearing Shangguan Yuntian's words, Yehuang knew that he already knew what he had done to Nangong Chen, so he smiled and said: "You already know. Did you see Nangong Chen, is it miserable, is it shameful?"

"Haha, don't worry, it's as you wish. Nangong Chen has red rashes all over his body. He stayed in the room and didn't come out. Except for the doctor and his subordinates, no one was seen."

"I hope that Nangongchen will learn this lesson and stop messing with us in the future, otherwise it won't be as simple as giving him tickle fans."

As Ye Huang spoke, a dark light flashed in her eyes.Nangongchen's plan, she guessed very closely, on the surface it seemed to be showing favor to them, but in fact it was a demonstration.Another most important purpose is to make the emperor suspicious of Shangguan Yuntian.

Now, the emperor can't wait to see Shangguan Yuntian enough, if Nangong Chen makes such a move, the emperor will only dislike Shangguan Yuntian even more, and even want to get rid of him more urgently.

If she guessed correctly, the emperor probably already knew about their meeting.

"My lady is right, if Nangongchen doesn't know the person, then just deal with him like this."

Thinking of Shangguan Yuntian's return from the palace, Yehuang couldn't help asking worriedly: "By the way, Yuntian, did the emperor bother you?"

"It's not troublesome, it's just reprimanding me and telling me not to have private contacts with Nangong Chen."

"I knew that Nangong Chen had no good intentions, and that's true. Fortunately, today I took a breath of anger. I won't bother with him for the time being. If he dares to deliberately provoke the relationship between you and the emperor, I will directly poison you." kill him."

"Don't worry, after what happened this time, Nangong Chen didn't dare to make any more monsters for a while."

Shangguan Yuntian wasn't worried at all, if Nangong Chen still couldn't wake up after today's incident, then he could only be said to be too stupid.

And Nangong Chen is definitely a smart person.For this point, Shangguan Yuntian was very sure.

However, Shangguan Yuntian obviously overestimated Nangong Chen.I don't know if it's because of the itching on his body that makes him not calm, or what.That night, he actually sent his own people to contact the emperor, asking him why he wanted to use Shangguan Yuntian again.

After receiving the news from Nangong Chen, the emperor's expression turned ugly.He felt that the other party took too much control, and it was up to him whether to use Shangguan Yuntian again or not.

In addition, he heard a piece of news about Nan'an spies in the palace the day before, and he was suspicious in his heart.

So, this time, he didn't reply immediately, but let people quietly stare at the little eunuch who delivered the letter.

The little eunuch didn't know that he was being targeted. As usual, he headed towards the cold palace and reported to his superior.

The emperor's men followed the little eunuch, and after seeing his connector, they quietly followed him, not wanting the other party to be too cunning, and lost them halfway.

When the emperor heard the report from his subordinates, his face was very ugly, but he didn't attack, so his subordinates still kept an eye on the little eunuch.

The next morning, the envoys from Xishui Kingdom also arrived, and the annex became more and more lively.

Originally, everyone lived in another courtyard, and the envoys wanted to meet each other, but Nan Gongchen stayed behind closed doors because the rash on his body did not go away.

As a result, the envoys of Donghua Kingdom and Xishui Kingdom had a very bad impression of Nangong Chen. They felt that Nangong Chen was not in their eyes, and they were very angry. Their attitude towards Nan'an Kingdom also changed 180 degrees. Big shift.

 It's five o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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