The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 559 Return of the wolf

Chapter 559 Return of the Wolf ([-])

What's more, when Shangguan Yuntian leaned against her ear and talked, the warm breath brushed her earlobe, making her heart beat faster.

Looking at Yehuang's shy blushing, Shangguan Yuntian felt extremely happy.If it wasn't for the wrong place, he would definitely love her well.

However, if you can't do anything else, it's still okay to kiss.

Thinking about it, Shangguan Yuntian kissed Ye Huang on the face.

This almost made Ye Huang jump up, turned to stare at him, and said, "Don't be foolish."

"Huang'er, why am I being so foolish?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang innocently and blinked.He just kissed Ye Huang's face, why did she react so strongly?
Yehuang turned her head, ignored Shangguan Yuntian, and struggled to get off his lap.

Shangguan Yuntian didn't make things difficult for her, he let go of his hand and let her leave his arms and thighs.

"Yuntian, I'm eating here today to clean up the dust for Canglang and the others. Do you want to stay or go back home to eat?" Ye Huang sat down on the stool next to Shangguan Yuntian and asked.

"Where is the madam, the husband must also be there, otherwise how can we call the wife sings the husband?" Shangguan Yuntian replied with a smile, the reason why he came here was to have dinner with Yehuang.As for where to eat, he doesn't care at all.

"Okay, if that's the case, then you can eat here with me."

While the two were talking, Huofeng asked someone to bring refreshments over.It's not time for dinner yet, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian are fine, so they sent someone to bring a chess set and started playing in the pavilion.

Both of them are good at chess, evenly matched. After only one game, it's time for dinner.

After putting away the chess pieces, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian went to the Flower Hall to have dinner with everyone.

In the flower hall, several large tables had already been set up.Because of the large number of people, the tables are all long, similar to when Ye Huang ate in the section.

Yehuang has long been used to it, and this table was made by her, so it's nothing.But Shangguan Yuntian was surprised when he saw it.

It was the first time he had seen such a long table, and he didn't know how the people at both ends would pick up the food when they were eating later.

However, when he saw the dishes on the table, he suddenly felt that he was thinking too much.

It turned out that the same dishes were placed at intervals.Except that the table is a bit longer, it is basically the same as the square table.

"Let's eat!" Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian who had been looking at the long table, and pulled his sleeve with a smile.

Shangguan Yuntian nodded and sat down with Yehuang.

Because it is to clean up the dust for the wolf team, wine is essential.

Originally, Yehuang also planned to have a drink, but Shangguan Yuntian was unwilling to say anything.But all the wine that was poured into Yehuang's cup was covered by him.

As a result, Yehuang did not drink at all, but Shangguan Yuntian looked as if he was about to get drunk.

Even so, the members of the Canglang team still didn't plan to let Shangguan Yuntian go, they still toasted him non-stop, and even pretended that he and Yehuang were married before, they missed it, and now they just made it up.

Yehuang looked at it, and originally wanted to say a few words, but seeing everyone's high interest, Shangguan Yuntian was quite cooperative, so she didn't say anything.

In this way, one meal can be eaten directly from noon to the afternoon.When the wine was over, not only Shangguan Yuntian was drunk, but most of the team were drunk, and even a few members of the wolf team were so drunk that they passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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