The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 577 Slapping the face

Chapter 577

After the sound fell, she put down her pen and stood aside.

Yehuang didn't care, and then wrote a poem on the painting, the best divination operator, Yongmei.

The wind and snow send spring back, and the flying snow welcomes spring. The cliff is already a hundred feet of ice, and there are still beautiful flowers and branches.Qiao does not compete for spring, she only announces the arrival of spring, and when the mountain flowers are in full bloom, she laughs among the bushes.

Yehuang didn't put down her pen until she finished writing the poem.Looking back, the time was just right.

When the time was up, someone immediately stepped forward, put away the paintings of the two, and passed them on to several judges.In order to show fairness, the emperor also specially let the envoys also participate in the selection.

The judges compared the two paintings together, and after discussing for a while, the emperor of the Jokhang Kingdom stood up and announced to everyone who would win.

The emperor was not in a hurry to speak, but directly asked his deputy to unfold the paintings of the two so that more people could see them.

"You have also seen these two paintings. Let me not tell you which one is better and which one is slightly inferior. It is up to you to see for yourself. See which painting is better in your mind."

As soon as these words came out, the hall suddenly became lively.Although the distance is a bit far, the scenery on the painting can still be seen clearly.

Especially Yehuang's picture of cold plum blossoms, the artistic conception is even more clear to people at a glance. Looking at the painting and then reciting the poem, a sense of boldness and majesty rushed into everyone's hearts.

Although Xishuiyun's painting is also good, with a hundred flowers blooming, but when put together with Yehuang's painting of cold plums, it is still a bit inferior.

So, almost needless to say, everyone said in unison: "Hi Han Mei Tu!"

Hearing this, the emperor teacher laughed in satisfaction, took the picture of Han Mei, and said: "This painting was drawn by Princess Yun, so I won't say whoever wins."

As soon as these words came out, those people who bet on Yehuang to win were overjoyed.But everyone who bet on Xishuiyun became listless.

Especially the two princesses, who were wholeheartedly waiting for Xi Shuiyun to win back some face for them.But he didn't want to, he lost to Yehuang in the end, and couldn't help becoming angry.

"Sister Huang, that Xishuiyun is really useless, and she lost to Yehuang again."

"Second sister, Shen Yan, she is our sister-in-law now, you must not be so unreasonable in the future, or let the empress and the queen mother know, and you will have good fruit to eat." , very unhappy.

I didn't even look at where it was, but I was yelling so loudly, as if no one else could hear me.

The second princess turned pale, currying favor with the eldest princess, and said: "Sister Huang, my sister is in a hurry. Just let me off this time, and I will never dare again."

"Forget it, it's not an example." The eldest princess didn't hold on to it, and after saying something lightly, she turned her gaze to the hall.

At this moment, the main hall was full of excitement, because Ye Huang had won, and Dong was collecting the lottery prizes brought out by everyone.

Fortunately, she had prepared a bag, otherwise there were so many jewelry and banknotes, she couldn't hold them with two hands.

"Princess, it's all here." Dong shook the things he received in front of Yehuang, with a smile on his face.

"Put it away!"

Yehuang ordered Dong to put away the things, then looked at the envoys of the four countries, and asked with a smile: "I don't know when the envoys will be able to cash in their prizes?"

"This?" Nangong Chen looked a little unhappy, looked at Yehuang and said, "Princess Yun, this ice lotus is far away in Nan'an country, so it's inconvenient to use it, I wonder if this king can change it?"

 Two more offer!
(End of this chapter)

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