The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 582 Another Trouble

Chapter 582 Another Trouble ([-])

"Your Majesty, what you said is wrong. It's like others wanting to rob the Emperor's country. Can the Emperor not be in a hurry?"

Hearing this, everyone dared not show their anger, looking at Yehuang as if they were looking at a fool.

She dared to say such things, and she wasn't afraid that the emperor would chop her head off?
Just as I was thinking about it, I heard the emperor yell, "Presumptuous!"

However, Yehuang was not afraid at all, still looked up at the emperor, and then said: "Your Majesty, don't be angry, my daughter-in-law has no other intentions. My daughter-in-law just wants to tell you that in the eyes of my daughter-in-law, a husband is like Your country is just as important."

"You?" The emperor was very angry, and he didn't know how to deal with Ye Huang.

Seeing that Yehuang was so angry with the emperor, Nangongchen curled his lips into a faint smile.Now, without him doing anything, Ye Huang had already angered the emperor, it would be no wonder Shangguan Yuntian would have something good to eat after a while.

Seeing the emperor getting angry, Shangguanping was worried that he would punish Yehuang, so he got up and tried to persuade him: "Father, calm down, Princess Yunhuang is just making an analogy."

The emperor glared at Shangguanping, and said, "How dare you compare my country, who gave her the courage?"

For Shangguanping's son, the emperor was quite disappointed.It would be great if he didn't withdraw the engagement.Yehuang was his concubine, not letting Shangguan Yuntian take advantage of her.

Although he annoys her now, not every woman has her courage.

Just like now, Yehuang clearly knew that he was angry, but Ye Huang was not afraid at all.Such a woman is courageous and knowledgeable, and she is very suitable for that position.

What a pity, what a pity!

"Father..." Shangguanping wanted to persuade him again, but was interrupted by the emperor, and said, "Yehuang, I think it's your first offence, so I don't care about it for now. If I hear this again, don't blame me." I don't care about feelings."

"Yes, Yehuang understands, thank the emperor for his innocence." Yehuang stood up, thanked the emperor, and then sat down again.

The emperor snorted coldly, gave Shangguan Yuntian a hard look, and then said to Xi Shuiyun: "Princess Yun, King Yun already has a concubine, why don't you choose someone else?"

Hearing the emperor's words, Shangguanping became nervous, glanced at Xi Shuiyun, and prayed: Don't fall in love with him.

Now, he doesn't want to marry a wife.

However, God seemed to have not heard his prayer, and heard the emperor say: "Prince Ping of my Dazhao is not married yet, you can think about it."

Xi Shuiyun was taken aback, not understanding the emperor's intention.However, she did not immediately agree, but instead glanced at Shangguanping, and said, "Your Majesty, please Rong Yun think about it for a few days."

"It's okay!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty." After thanking Xi Shuiyun, she sat down and the matter was over.

However, when she saw Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang expressing affection and whispering, she felt very unwilling and couldn't help being jealous.

Seeing that the hall became quiet, Nan Gongchen, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, spoke out again, and said, "This king has heard that King Yun is poisoned, I wonder if there is such a thing?"

"What does it have to do with you?" Shangguan Yuntian raised his head, and glanced at Nangong Chen faintly, disgusted.If there weren't too many people now, he really couldn't help but give him a good lesson.

In Shangguan Yuntian's eyes, he is like a shit stick, which is very annoying.

"This king is just curious." Nangong Chen didn't mind Shangguan Yuntian's attitude at all, and said to himself, "But it seems that King Yun's poison must have been cured long ago."

 Two more offer!
(End of this chapter)

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