The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 622 Killing in the Hunting Ground

Chapter 622 Killing Intentions in the Hunting Ground ([-])
Shangguan Yuntian also drew out his weapon at the same time, and blocked the arrow rain.

However, right here, behind the group of people, several long black arrows flew towards them.

Sensing the movement behind her, Yehuang quickly turned around and waved her silk to block.But at this moment, those long arrows suddenly split into two and shot at everyone.

Ye Huang's expression changed, it was too late to stop her.

"Princess!" The guards yelled, their hearts shattered in shock.

Seeing that a sharp arrow was shot at her shoulder, at this moment, a strong force came from behind, pulling her back, and then a strong internal force surged out, heading towards those arrows .

Shangguan Yuntian swung a fist and knocked the sharp arrow to the ground. Then he nervously looked at Yehuang who was blocked behind him, and asked eagerly: "Huang'er, are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Yehuang regained consciousness, looked at Shangguan Yuntian's worried look, and smiled.

Shangguan Yuntian checked carefully to make sure that Yehuang was not injured, so he was relieved.

"Are you still going in?" Arrow Rain stopped, and Shangguan Yuntian asked Yehuang in a low voice.If they withdraw at this time, then the emperor's conspiracy may not succeed.

But Yehuang didn't want to just quit, she still wanted to catch those people and expose Nangong Chen's true face in front of the emperor.

"If we go back like this, we will be laughed at by others." Yehuang raised her eyebrows, knowing that there are tigers in the mountain, she prefers to go to the mountain.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Shangguan Yuntian didn't care, Yehuang could continue if he wanted to, and he wasn't afraid of being laughed at if he didn't want to.

"Let's go, we'll take them to a litter later." Yehuang smiled and rode forward.

As for Qin Chao and the others, they followed closely behind them, not daring to be careless at all.

However, to Yehuang's surprise, there was no movement any further.It seemed that the assassination just now was just their hallucination.

The group of people walked for a while, but they saw only the prey but not the killer.

"Yuntian, why don't we also hunt some prey by the way, so that we can have another meal later."

"Okay, let's have a competition and see who can kill more prey." In order to ease the tense atmosphere, Shangguan Yuntian suggested.

"Okay." Yehuang readily agreed, and rode away first.

When Shangguan Yuntian saw it, he followed closely.

As expected of a royal hunting ground, there are really a lot of prey.In a short time, Yehuang killed a rabbit, two pheasants, and a goat.

Shangguan Yuntian followed Yehuang, protecting Yehuang while hunting casually.I don't know if he was lucky enough to hunt more than Yehuang.

The two went deep into the forest while hunting.After a while, I came to a small stream.

Seeing that there was water, the glutton in Ye Huang's heart came out, and she turned to Shangguan Yuntian and said, "Yuntian, why don't we bake something to fill our stomach first."

"Then let's rest here for a while." Shangguan Yuntian stopped while responding.

Without waiting for the two to order, Qin Chao and the others had already dispersed, the guards, those who handled the prey handled the prey, and those who gathered firewood gathered firewood.

More people are easier to do.

In the blink of an eye, several hares and pheasants have been dealt with, and a lot of firewood has been collected.

Yehuang stepped forward, took the things handled by his men and put them on the fire to roast them.Shangguan Yuntian sat beside him, adding firewood with one hand, and flipping the wild game with the other.

(End of this chapter)

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