The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 628 The Night Phoenix’s Accident

Chapter 628 The Night Phoenix's Accident ([-])

After a while, the brother who had been sent out came back, followed by several people.

Seeing the person coming, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian looked at each other and frowned slightly.

When several people approached, the two of them saw clearly who the other was, and their restless hearts relaxed slightly.

"Vice General Yang, why is it you?" Ye Huang recognized one of them at a glance, and asked in surprise.

It turned out that what the brother brought back was none other than Ye Feng's lieutenant Yang Song who had guarded the city side by side with Ye Huang when he was in Yao City.

"Master Yun?" Yang Song was also surprised when he saw Yehuang, he didn't expect to see Yehuang here.

"What Mr. Yun, those are our prince and concubine." The brother who brought Yang Song couldn't help correcting him when he heard what he called Ye Huang.

Hearing this, Yang Song patted his forehead violently, laughed loudly, and said: "Look at my brain, I have forgotten such an important thing, Mr. Yun is the general's granddaughter, and also Princess Yun."

After speaking, Yang Song looked at Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian, and formally greeted them.

"The final general has met King Yun and Princess Yun."

"General Yang is exempt."

"I don't know why General Yang is here?" Ye Huang asked with a smile when Yang Song greeted him.Although he was their old acquaintance, the timing of his appearance was a bit wrong, which made her suspicious.

"Princess Huiyun, the general will be ordered to maintain the safety during the hunt. I heard some movement here before, so I came to see it."

"So that's the case. It seems that this concubine has misunderstood the general." After hearing this, Ye Huang relaxed.At first she thought that Yang Song belonged to the emperor.

Now it seems that she is probably thinking too much.

"Concubine Yun is serious. It will be a little unexpected at the end of the day. It is reasonable for the princess to be suspicious." Yang Song was not angry because of Ye Huang's words, and seemed to understand.

His calmness made Yehuang feel a little guilty and embarrassed, and said, "I made the general laugh."

Yang Song laughed, glanced at the people present, and asked, "Will the prince and concubine go to the forest again? The general just came from there, so he can lead the way."

"In this way, there will be General Lao." Shangguan Yuntian said lightly, his eyes flickering at Yang Song.

"My lord, you are welcome. Let's follow the future." After Yang Song finished speaking, he returned to the original road.

Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang walked side by side behind him, heading for the depths of the dense forest.

Because they were acquaintances, Yehuang chatted with Yang Song while wearing Linzi.Only then did he know that not long after he returned to the capital, the emperor changed a general to the border.

"General Yang, it seems that we have troubled you." After hearing Yang Song's words, Ye Huang felt a little bit more guilty.

When they returned to Beijing before, Yang Song, as Ye Feng's deputy, did not return to Beijing with them, but stayed in Yaocheng to guard.

I thought that since the emperor would not let Ye Feng go back, he would definitely promote Yang Song to the rank of general.Unexpectedly, instead of promoting him, the emperor sent a confidant to replace him.

"Princess, don't blame yourself. This is the emperor's will and has nothing to do with you." Yang Song comforted Ye Huang with a smile, as if he didn't blame her at all.

Hearing these words, Yehuang felt a little more guilty towards Yang Song, so she couldn't help but took a step forward, reached out and patted him on the shoulder as a sign of comfort.

However, just as she patted Yang Song's shoulder, a dagger stabbed from the side and pierced Ye Huang's waist fiercely.


(End of this chapter)

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