The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 651 The truth is revealed

Chapter 651 The Truth Comes Out ([-])

It was none other than Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian who had arranged for the special team.

The two of them had expected that Nangongchen might take a risk and attack the emperor, so they arranged for them early.

The brothers were slapped together by Nangong Chen's people before, almost killing Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian, and they were already holding their breath.

This will see the enemy, how can he be merciful, he has already rushed forward screaming.

Compared with the bravery of the brothers, the people sent by Nangongchen were much inferior, and they were dealt with within a short while.

"Leave one alive." Seeing that Nangong Chen's people were about to die, Yehuang suddenly said.She also wants to use this person to do a big event, but she can't let them all die.

Hearing Ye Huang's words, the brothers really left a life alive.

"Bring him here."

The only survivor was brought to Ye Huang. Ye Huang had someone beat him up first, and then began to hypnotize him.

It wasn't until almost the same time that the brothers in the team changed into the clothes of the man in black, and then followed the hypnotized man to Nangongchen's tent.

As for Yehuang, after the brothers who pretended to be men in black left, they asked the rest of them to tie themselves up.

At this moment, the emperor came out, looked at Yehuang who was tied to the chair, and asked, "Yehuang, what do you want to do?"

"Acting." Yehuang said two words lightly.

"What play?" The emperor was a little puzzled, looking at Yehuang with a look of asking for a solution.

When he was about to fall asleep, Yehuang suddenly appeared and asked him to hide.He was so annoyed that he was about to lose his temper when he saw the curtain of the big tent being lifted, and Ye Huang hid him in surprise.

The moment he hid, several men in black entered the room and were about to assassinate him.

Only then did he know that Ye Huang was not trying to punish him, but was saving him.

What happened afterwards was like a dream. He watched Yehuang's people appear and killed the man in black.He looked at Yehuang hypnotizing the living creature again.

When he saw the man in black who had been hypnotized, he was shocked.It never occurred to Yehuang to know this kind of soul-hunting technique.

But before he could take back his shock, Yehuang did another thing that surprised him, that is, she was tied up by someone.

What on earth is she trying to do?
The emperor couldn't help asking, but Yehuang didn't tell him.

This kind of feeling of wanting to know, but not being told by others is really frustrating.He even wanted to knock Ye Huang's brain open to see what she was going to do?
However, this was not what bothered and annoyed him the most.

What annoyed him was that suddenly there was another corpse in front of him, which was exactly the same as his.

The body was put on the bed, covered with a quilt, and finally a dagger was inserted.

After doing all of this, Yehuang asked people to retreat, and then quietly waited.

Seeing this, the emperor seemed to understand something, but also seemed to understand nothing.Yehuang didn't bother to explain, she leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes to rest.

At this time, although the night was dark, Nangong Chen hadn't rested yet.He lit a candle, sat in the big tent and waited quietly for the news.

Chu Mo stood outside the tent, looking around from time to time.

When he saw a few black shadows appearing, he was a little excited, and whispered to Nangong Chen in the big tent: "My lord, they are back."

As his voice fell, the black shadow had already arrived in front of the big tent.

Seeing Chu Mo, the man who had been hypnotized by Yehuang nodded lightly, and walked in with a few people.

(End of this chapter)

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