The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 657 Prisoner

Chapter 657 Prisoner ([-])

Looking at Nan Gongchen and Chu Mo who were bound and kneeling in front of her, Ye Huang glanced at them indifferently, and then slowly bandaged her wound.

Looking at the wound on Yehuang's arm, Nangong Chen secretly hated it.He thought he could kill her, but he didn't want to be only slightly injured. He was really mad at him.

Yehuang didn't seem to see the hatred in Nangongchen's eyes, and calmly bandaged the wound.By the time it was finished, almost a quarter of an hour had passed.

In fact, Yehuang's wound was not deep at all, and if it really needed to be bandaged with medicine, it would be done within a minute.

But in order to avenge Nangong Chen for hurting her before, or to humiliate him, Ye Huang deliberately delayed the time in order to make Nangong Chen kneel for a longer time.

Although it is a camp, it is not as flat as home, and the ground is a bit uneven.Soon, Nangong Chen's knee started to hurt.

Pain hit the knee, Nangong Chen's face became more and more ugly, he stared at Yehuang fiercely, and shouted: "Yehuang, what on earth do you want to do?"

"What are you doing?" After tying a knot in the bandage on her hand, Yehuang raised her eyes, looked at Nangong Chen with a smile on her face, and said, "Of course it's to let you have a long memory. Knowing that you are in someone else's territory, you should not So crazy. In other people's territory, if you want to be safe and sound, you have to be a man with your tail between your legs."

"Of course, there is the most important point, that is, some people cannot be moved by you, understand?"

"Yehuang, you bitch, if you hadn't used tricks, would this king have ended up like this?" Nangong Chen roared, eyes full of fire.

"It seems that you haven't learned how to behave. If that's the case, then go to hell." Yehuang said, stood up, wiped a pill from her body, and stuffed it directly into Nangongchen's mouth.

After the pill entered his stomach, after a short time, Nangong Chen felt something strange. He suddenly found that the strength in his body was disappearing bit by bit.

"You, what did you eat for this king?" Nangong Chen widened his eyes and looked at Yehuang in horror.Thinking of what she just said to let him die, she was even more frightened.

Yehuang didn't answer, but glanced at Chu Mo who kept his head down all the time, reached out to support his chin, and squeezed it hard.

"Before, you wanted to break my arm. Do you think I want to take revenge now?"

Chu Mo was forced by Ye Huang to raise his head, and looked at her with the same hatred in his eyes as Nangong Chen.

Chu Mo hated himself for being careless, and hated himself for not breaking Yehuang's arm earlier.He felt that if he had done it earlier, he would not have listened to her nonsense.So maybe things won't be so bad for them now.

Yehuang saw Chu Mo's eyes, and her face sank slightly, for a person who was full of hatred for herself and always wanted to kill herself.Yehuang's habitual principle is to strike first.

So, she threw off Chu Mo's dismounting abruptly, then raised her hand and pinched the pipa bone on Chu Mo's shoulder.

As long as this thing is broken, Chu Mo's hands will be useless.

With two crisp clicks, Chu Mo's pipa bone was crushed, and his arms hung down.

The pain hit, Chu Mo gritted his teeth and endured, he didn't want to show weakness in front of Ye Huang.

"Yo, that's right, much stronger than your master." Yehuang looked at Chu Mo's forbearance, smiled on his face, and praised him, but in exchange for Chu Mo's slash.

Seeing Chu Mo's eyes that wished to kill him, the smile on Ye Huang's face grew a little bit, and he pinched his chin again, and flicked a pill that was exactly the same as Nangong Chen's, and it fell into him. in the mouth.

 Two more offer!
(End of this chapter)

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