The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 668: The Hunting Ground

Chapter 668

"Master, just after receiving the news from there, the envoys of the Nan'an Kingdom made a fuss, saying that King Chen disappeared in the hunting ground, and he wanted to give them an explanation. In life, we must see people, and in death, we must see corpses."

"How did your majesty handle it?" Shangguan Yuntian frowned, although he had expected this to happen, he was still a little displeased.

This matter is very tricky. Once it is not handled properly, the troubles in the future are the most worrying.

It was also because of this that even though he and Yehuang hated Nangong Chen, they didn't want to kill him.

But now, the person is dead, and it's too late to say anything.

The envoys of the Nan'an Kingdom can't make a fuss now.What he was most worried about was King Nan'an. If he found out that Nan Gongchen had died in Dazhao, he would definitely use excuses as an excuse to raise troops to satisfy his ambitions.

"The emperor and the ministers have not discussed any good solution, and they are still dragging on."

Obedient to these words, Shangguan Yuntian's face became even more ugly.He doesn't like any of the ministers in the court.Normally, they can only play tricks, but when they are really needed, they are all scared.

"Go down!" Shangguan Yuntian waved his hands a little irritably, then turned and went to the study.

Back in the study, Shangguan Yuntian wrote a few letters with a pen and sent them out.

There are some things that he has to beware of.

After writing the letter, Shangguan Yuntian sat on the chair and pondered again, how to solve his affairs in Nangongchen.

What Shangguan Yuntian didn't know was that the hunting ground was full of excitement.

I don't know who spread the news of Nangong Chen's death, which shocked the envoys of various countries.They went to the emperor's big tent together and asked the emperor to give them an explanation.

Looking at the envoys with unhappy faces, the emperor had a headache.

Now he wished to smash the person who leaked the news into pieces, but he couldn't find out who leaked the news for a while.

What's more, these envoys must be appeased first.

"Your Majesty, I heard that my prince has died. I don't know if it's true or not?" The speaker was Deputy Envoy Liu of Nan'an Kingdom, and besides Nan Gongchen, the most senior official in the envoy team.

"Where did you hear this? What is death? Isn't King Chen missing? You guys told me."

"Your Majesty, my prince has been missing for a day and a night. If he could find it, he would have found it long ago. Why wait now. Moreover, I heard the news of the death of the prince before. As the saying goes, there is no wave without wind, and there is no wind without a hole. It's better to tell the truth."

"That's right, His Majesty the Emperor. Originally, we were supposed to return to China three days ago, but Your Majesty left us behind and said that we would leave after hunting. But now, the King Chen of Nan'an Kingdom can't see anyone alive or dead. I have to wonder if this is your majesty's conspiracy."

The envoys of the Xishui Kingdom then spoke, saying that they had always been on good terms with Nan'an.In addition, Nangong Chen had helped Xi Shuiyun before.Although things didn't work out in the end, they remembered this love.

So, after Nan'an's deputy envoy finished speaking, they continued to attack.

Of course, it was one aspect that they did this to return favors, and another aspect, as they said, was that they suspected that this was a trap and that they would step into Nangongchen's footsteps.

Anyway, this is Dazhao's territory.If Emperor Jokhang wanted to do something, they would be hard to guard against.

When the emperor heard the words of the envoy of Xishui Kingdom, his face became ugly for a moment.

The conspiracy was indeed a conspiracy, but it was directed by Nan Gongchen.

Thinking of this, he hated Nangong Chen to death.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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