The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 670: The Hunting Ground

Chapter 670

It's a pity that everything that happened has already happened. Not only King Yun can't forget it, but the emperor can't forget it either.Especially the fact that he was played by Nangong Chen for so many years, it was his shame, and it was a thorn in his heart.

Whether you pull it out or not, it will hurt your heart.

Just as he was thinking about it, the emperor suddenly said, "Come here, find King Yun."

The emperor couldn't think of a way for a while, and the ministers couldn't come up with a good idea before, so he couldn't help thinking of Shangguan Yuntian again.

Almost subconsciously, the emperor felt that Shangguan Yuntian would definitely have a solution.That's why he couldn't help but said that he was looking for Shangguan Yuntian.

Hearing the emperor's words, Eunuch Liu sighed slightly, stepped forward boldly and replied, "Report to the emperor, King Yun has already returned to Beijing."

Hearing this, the emperor remembered that Shangguan Yuntian had already left the hunting ground yesterday.

Shangguan Yuntian is not here, so it is impossible to send someone to the capital to call him back.

It seems that at this moment, we have no choice but to return to the capital first.

Fortunately, the fire in the forest has been extinguished, and the hidden danger has been eliminated, so he can return to Beijing with peace of mind.

Thinking about it, the emperor immediately asked Eunuch Liu to send people to deliver orders to prepare for returning to Beijing.

When the envoys of Nan'an Kingdom heard that the emperor was going back to Beijing, but there was still no news about Nan Gongchen, they couldn't help panicking again.

What if the emperor doesn't care about Nangongchen's disappearance once he returns to Beijing, what will they do?
It's impossible for them to leave someone to look for them, right?
Although, it's not impossible.But this is the territory of the Jokhang Kingdom after all, they stayed to search, what if something happened again?
Thinking about it, the envoys of Nan'an Kingdom couldn't sit still anymore, and hurried to the emperor's big tent again.

When the emperor learned of the purpose of the other party's visit, he did not see the other party, but asked Eunuch Liu to pass on the message.Tell the other party that he will leave a part of the Guards behind and continue to search.As for the envoys of Nangong Kingdom, they will return to Beijing with everyone.

The envoys of Nan'an Kingdom were unwilling to hear this, but they were under the eaves, so they had to bow their heads and complied.

After deciding to return to Beijing, everyone packed up quickly.

An hour later, the group set off for Beijing.

At this time, Shangguan Yuntian learned of the news that the emperor and others had returned to the capital immediately, and soon had an idea to solve the Nangongchen incident.

So, Shangguan Yuntian asked his people to arrange it secretly.

When the emperor's carriage left the hunting ground, halfway there, dozens of men in black rushed out from all directions, heading towards the emperor's carriage.

"There are assassins, escort!" Seeing the man in black who suddenly appeared, the guards protecting the emperor immediately moved.

While protecting the emperor's frame, he started fighting with the man in black.

The news of the assassin spread quickly and reached the ears of the envoys.Let them all panic.

Not only that, the emperor was also taken aback when he heard that there was an assassin.

He was sitting in the carriage, listening to the sound of weapons intersecting outside, his face was full of killing intent.

Eunuch Liu accompanied the emperor, he was so frightened that he couldn't help shaking.Fear turned into fear, but Eunuch Liu sat by the carriage door, standing in front of the emperor.

"Since you are afraid, what are you doing standing in front of me?" The emperor glanced at Eunuch Liu, slightly moved.

His smile made Eunuch Liu's tense mood slightly relaxed, and he replied: "It's only natural for a slave to protect the emperor."

In a word, the emperor's mood inexplicably improved. He stretched out his hand and lifted the curtain of the carriage slightly, and looked outside.

(End of this chapter)

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