The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 672 Envoy Returns

Chapter 672 Envoy Returns ([-])

When Tuobafeng heard it, he sneered and said, "Do you think that person is fake? Why does this prince seem real? Look at the other party's hands, just like Nangongchen's, and his face is broken. There are still scars from the beating that have not faded."

"Impossible! Why did our lord do this?" The envoys of Nan'an Kingdom still didn't believe it. After hearing Tuo Bafeng's words, they anxiously defended themselves.

"Nothing is impossible in this world." Tuo Bafeng looked at him mockingly, and then said, "Didn't you see that he hated the emperor of Jokha? This prince has heard that before Jokha and Nan'an fought, Nan'an lost, and King Chen lost his crown prince position. Or from that time on, King Chen hated the emperor?"

"You are talking nonsense. If you want to hate, you will only hate King Yun. How can you hate the emperor of Dazhao?" The envoy of Nan'an Kingdom didn't know whether he was dizzy or what was going on, and what he said was shocking.

Tuobafeng is a person who is afraid of the chaos in the world. After hearing this, he laughed and said: "So, before King Yun and Princess Yun almost didn't come back when they were in the hunting ground, it was also related to King Chen?"

The envoy of Nan'an Kingdom saw that Tuobafeng was getting involved with Shangguan Yuntian again, his face became more and more ugly, and he said: "Prince Tuoba, please be careful, you are just talking nonsense here before the matter is clear. , I don’t know what kind of heart is pressed?”

"Nonsense, does this prince have any? This prince is just telling the truth." Tuo Bafeng didn't pay attention to the other party's anger at all, and his eyes fell on Nangong Chen thoughtfully.

Why does this Nangong Chen look so weird to him?
But where is the blame, he couldn't think of it for a while.

At this time, the emperor spoke again, and said in shock: "King Chen, how could it be you?"

Nangong Chen still didn't speak, but the hatred in his eyes shocked everyone.

The emperor saw that Nangongchen didn't speak, and didn't ask any more questions, and directly ordered: "Take him back to the capital and deal with it."

The soldiers took Nan Gongchen down, and the emperor glanced over the envoys of various countries, paused for a moment on the envoys of Nan'an, and then returned to the car with the curtain of the car thrown back.

The procession started, and the emperor pondered.

The timing of this assassin's appearance today is just right, or this Nangong Chen's appearance is just right, making him turn passive into active in an instant.

Under the watchful eyes of all the people, Nan Gongchen assassinated him, now he not only doesn't need to explain to the envoys of other countries, but Nan'an Kingdom wants to give him and Dazhao an explanation.

It's obvious that someone is helping him?
But who will help him?And you have to have the ability to help him?

As the emperor thought about it, a face soon appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help being excited and surprised.

People who know about this matter and are able to help him, don't think of others except Shangguan Yuntian.

Originally thought that Shangguan Yuntian would not forgive him, but he didn't think that at the critical moment, he was the one who helped him.

Thinking that it was Shangguan Yuntian who helped him, the emperor felt happy, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Eunuch Liu was surprised to see the smile on the emperor's face.He hadn't seen the emperor smile for a long time.

It seems that the emperor is in a good mood today.

Thinking about it, the corners of Eunuch Liu's mouth couldn't help but also raised.

Two hours later, everyone returned to the capital.

After returning to the palace, the emperor thought that Shangguan Yuntian helped him solve a big problem.He even forgot to rest, and immediately sent someone to declare him into the palace.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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