The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 710 Defeat 1

Chapter 710 Falling short of success ([-])
Of course it's boring, come and have fun.

Yehuang didn't say this, and couldn't say it.Otherwise, she can guarantee that the people inside will be pissed off.

Everyone in the prison shook their heads, how could they know what Ye Huang wanted to do?
Winners and losers, they failed, and they have no right to say no when they become prisoners.Ye Huang has the final say on what to do, can they stop it?
"Don't worry, my concubine won't kill you for the time being." Seeing that everyone looked like they were going to die, Yehuang smiled and opened her mouth.

Hearing this, the expressions on the faces of the people in black visibly relaxed.As long as it doesn't kill them, everything is fine.

Even if they have already become prisoners, even if they can only live an extra hour, it is still good.

It is said that it is better to live than to die, and to be alive is worse than anything else.

"My concubine is here today to play a game with you." The smile on Ye Huang's face remained unchanged, and the words she said were even less threatening.

But for some reason, there was a sense of uneasiness in everyone's ears.

What on earth is she going to do?
play games?is it possible?
One question mark after another was placed in everyone's minds. Yehuang didn't care so much, and asked the people in the cell to stand in two teams, and then said: "Today, my concubine will play a quick-answer game with you. What about this game? It's actually very simple, that is to answer the concubine's question, and it must be a quick answer..."

Yehuang briefly explained the rules of the game, and then began to ask questions.At first, no one was willing to answer her questions.

After Dong and Xia punished a few people according to the rules of the game, no one dared to slack off, and began to rush to answer seriously.

Yehuang's question is very simple. In fact, it is similar to trial training, but it is achieved through games.

After about an hour, Yehuang finished asking questions and knew everything she wanted to know, so she left with Dong and Xia.

Before leaving, Yehuang ordered people to throw these men in black to the Fifth Prince's residence.

Of course, it cannot be alive.

When the fifth prince looked at the more than 20 corpses that appeared in his yard, his face turned pale with anger.

Although he was prepared, he was still very annoyed when he saw that all the people he sent were dead.

Damn it, isn't the general's mansion loosely guarded?Why are all his people dead?
Could it be that he underestimated the General's Mansion?Or is his plan exposed?

Thinking of this possibility, the fifth prince couldn't sit still, and left the mansion in a hurry, and went to discuss with his natal family.

When Shangguan Yuntian heard that Yehuang threw all the people arrested last night back to the fifth prince's mansion, he smiled lightly, not only did not say anything, but instead told Qin Chao: "The fifth prince has been jumping too much recently, teach him a lesson." .”

Hearing this, Qin Chao's face brightened, he likes teaching people this kind of thing very much.

At this time, the fifth prince didn't know that his wrong decision led to his miserable life in the future.

Shangguanping also received the news, and after knowing that Yehuang had killed the fifth prince, he was overjoyed, and laughed loudly: "Kill it, kill a little more, it's best to get rid of those two wastes directly, so that's also There is no need for me to do it again."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Xiao Shan who was on the side and praised: "Xiao Aiqing, your trick of borrowing a knife to kill people is really good. Now you don't need me to do it, Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian have already done it, very good!"

"My lord loves you." Xiao Shan was a little proud, looked at Shangguan Ping and said, "This subordinate will definitely remove all these obstacles one by one for the lord."

 It's five o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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