The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 719 Ping Wang Crazy

Chapter 719: King Ping Goes Crazy ([-])

Prince Ping's Mansion, study room.

Shangguanping was dealing with the general affairs of the mansion when a confidant hurried in and said, "Master, something happened to His Highness the Fifth Highness."

"What's going on?" Shangguan Ping was startled, looked up at his confidant, and asked in a cold voice.

"Master, early this morning, the property of His Royal Highness the Fifth Prince, whether on the bright side or in the dark, has been suppressed. In just a few hours, it cannot be maintained. In addition, two hours ago, the Fifth Prince Liu’s grandfather Liu’s family were all sent to prison.”


Shangguan Ping's face became ugly when he listened.

Almost without thinking, he knew that this was written by Shangguan Yuntian.Originally thought that Shangguan Yuntian was at most only the one who killed the fifth prince and weakened his power, but he didn't expect him to uproot the power of the fifth prince.

Logically speaking, he should be happy.Because apart from the fifth prince, he had one less competitor.

However, his heart became uncontrollably uneasy.He has always known that Shangguan Yuntian's power is not small, but he has been refreshing his understanding of his power.

again and again.

Whenever he thought he had seen it all, in fact it was still the tip of the iceberg.

It took less than half a day to uproot the power of the fifth prince. What a terrifying power it is.Not to mention him, even the emperor may not be able to do it.

In this way, does he still have a chance to win?

Shangguan Ping asked himself secretly, his face was gloomy.

Shangguan Yuntian, he is his nemesis, he was born to bet on him, or to rob him.

It was his fiancée before, and now it is the crown prince.

Damn it.

He lost once before, and now he doesn't want to lose again.Therefore, even if Shangguan Yuntian's power is huge, he doesn't want to admit defeat.

After all, no one can guarantee victory until the end.

So, no matter what, since he has chosen this path, he must go forward without hesitation.

Shangguanping quickly adjusted his mentality, and asked again: "Where is the fifth prince now?"

"Returning to the prince, the fifth prince went to the palace before, and went to Prince Yun's mansion after leaving the palace, and he hasn't come out until now."

"He went to Prince Yun's mansion? Is he looking for death?" Shangguan Ping's expression changed again. Shangguan Yuntian is not a merciful master.Especially when it came to dealing with Yehuang, he was irrational at all.

Last night, the fifth prince plotted against Yehuang, even if he failed, Shangguan Yuntian would not let him go.Therefore, going to Prince Yun's mansion at this hour is no different from courting death.

However, it would be a good thing for Shangguan Yuntian if he really killed the Fifth Prince in Yunwang Mansion.

Thinking about it, Shangguanping asked again: "Did anyone see him enter Prince Yun's mansion?"

Hearing this, his confidant shook his head.There are not many people living in the street where Prince Yun's Mansion is located.The five princes hurried out of the palace and went straight to Prince Yun's mansion, except for the person they were secretly watching, no one else saw it.

"Go and check to see if the fifth prince has come out. If he hasn't come out, go find the housekeeper of the fifth prince's mansion. This king will let Shangguan Yuntian have a good drink."

"This subordinate will do it."

His confidant left in a hurry, but Shangguanping was no longer in the mood to deal with things, and sat on the chair and waited anxiously.

It's been such a long time, and the fifth prince hasn't come out yet, so it's probably more ominous than good.

If he uses this incident to attack Shangguan Yuntian, the effect will definitely be very good.

(End of this chapter)

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