The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 723 People from Nan’an

Chapter 723 People from Nan'an ([-])

However, as soon as the guard finished speaking, before Nangong Yueli could speak, the guard guarding the gate hurried in.

Seeing the person coming, Nangong Yueli raised her eyebrows.

"Your Highness, King Yun of Dazhao is here."

Nangong Yueli was taken aback when she heard the words, but she quickly came back to her senses and said, "Please!"

Originally, Nangong Yueli was thinking about when she would be able to see Shangguan Yuntian.He had heard that although King Yun was in good health, he was powerless.It is not easy to meet him.

But he didn't want to, the other party came to him on his own initiative, which was really surprising.

Shangguan Yuntian walked into the yard, and saw the man standing on the porch at a glance.

With a slender figure and crescent-colored brocade clothes, it looks absolutely clear from afar.It wasn't until they got closer that they could see the other person's face clearly.

It turned out to be him!

Shangguan Yuntian was shocked, he never thought that Nan'an's crown prince, Nangong Yueli, would come to Nan'an country this time.

"King Zhaoyun!"

"Prince Nan'an!"

The two spoke at the same time, their eyes met, sparks flew.

Although the two have never met, they have been friends for a long time.Especially Nangong Yueli hated and appreciated Shangguan Yuntian.

A few years ago, if Shangguan Yuntian hadn't defeated Nangongchen, he might not have become the prince.For this, he thanked Shangguan Yuntian.

However, Shangguan Yuntian killed countless soldiers in Nan'an, which made Nan'an's army weak for a time, and had to rely on marriage with other countries to recuperate.Therefore, he hated Shangguan Yuntian again.

"It's better to be famous than to meet each other. King Yun is indeed magnificent and unparalleled in appearance."

"To each other, to each other, the crown prince is also suave and handsome."

After complimenting each other, the two looked at each other and smiled.

"King Yun, please!"

"Prince, please!"

Entering the hall together, the two sat down respectively.

"Unexpectedly, the king of Nan'an sent the prince here, which surprised me very much." Shangguan Yuntian was the first to speak. He was indeed surprised by Nangong Yueli's arrival.

Originally thought that the king of Nan'an would send his confidants to deal with Nangong Chen's affairs, but he didn't expect to send the prince Nangong Yueli here.

This Nangong Yueli is not easy to deal with, otherwise she wouldn't be the crown prince.

It seems that his previous plan needs to be revised, otherwise it will be easy for the other party to see through.

Hearing this, Nangong Yueli said something that seemed to be true or not: "The prince has always wanted to see King Yun, so he specifically asked for this opportunity."

"Really? Now that the crown prince has seen the king, I wonder if he is disappointed?" Shangguan Yuntian slightly curled his lips and teased.

For Nangong Yueli's words, just pass the ear.He didn't think that Nangong Yueli really wanted to see him that much.

After all, they are enemies, aren't they?
"How could it be?" Nangong Yueli looked like how could you think so, causing Shangguan Yuntian's eyes to flicker.

Sure enough, this Nangong Yueli was much more difficult to deal with than Nangong Chen, her words were true and false, false and true.

Here, Shangguan Yuntian and Nangong Yueli say something to you, and I say something to each other, swords and swords are testing each other.In Prince Ping's mansion, Shangguan Ping had a gloomy expression.

Because he just got the news, the emperor actually asked Shangguan Yuntian to entertain people from Nan'an.

It stands to reason that he is responsible for the security of the other hall, and it is his job to entertain people from Nan'an Kingdom, but the emperor handed it over to Shangguan Yuntian.

Sure enough, the emperor wanted to support Shangguan Yuntian to the throne.

The more he thought about it, the angrier Shangguan Ping became, and he slammed the teacup in his hand on the ground, as if it was Shangguan Yuntian.

(End of this chapter)

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