The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 728: Early Chaos

Chapter 728 The Morning Storm ([-])

Su Jinian had already established a tacit understanding with Shangguanping, and when he caught his gaze, he immediately stood up.

"Your Majesty, I think this matter is very important, and King Yun may not be able to handle it properly by himself. Therefore, I suggest that it is better to find a few more people to work with King Yun as his helpers."

Hearing Su Jinian's words, the emperor's face darkened, and after glancing at him coldly, he said, "I don't know how many people Su Aiqing thinks it is suitable to find?"

In fact, Su Jinian didn't think about the question of how many people to find at all. After hearing the emperor's words, he hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Three!"

After finishing speaking, he felt that it was not enough, and said: "Or, four are fine."

The emperor's face became more and more ugly, and he looked at Su Jinian sharply, and said coldly: "Three in a while, four in a while, do you think this is a play? Or, Su Aiqing feels that she is incompetent, Others are also incompetent? What is your intention to find three or four people who can do a good job by one person?"

When Su Jinian heard that the emperor was angry, his face turned pale and he knelt down, saying: "The emperor calm down!"

"Hmph, calm down? How do you let me calm down? Everyone doesn't pay attention to me, can I calm down?"

The emperor's voice was a little louder, and he looked at Su Jinian with an angry face.

Seeing that the emperor was really angry, all the ministers didn't dare to breathe out, and stood quietly with their heads lowered to reduce their sense of existence.

On the contrary, Shangguanping couldn't bear to watch the emperor reprimand Su Jinian.Su Jinian is his grandfather, who is dedicated to him.Not to mention his help, as far as the present is concerned, he is also because of him.

So, he stood up, looked at the emperor and pleaded: "Your Majesty, Jing Guohou didn't think carefully at the moment, please forgive him this time."

"You want to stand up for him?" The emperor looked at Shangguanping with displeasure, his face was very ugly.

He dared to stand up for Hou Yasukuni at this time, he was really mad at him.

"I beg the emperor to spare Yasukuni this time." Shangguan Ping knelt down, expressing his determination and attitude.

The emperor was angry at first, but seeing Shangguan Ping ignoring his anger for the sake of Jing Guohou, he became even more angry.

"Okay, what a King Ping, he really is affectionate and righteous." The emperor pointed at Shangguan Ping, trembling with anger.

Seeing the emperor like this, Shangguanping's heart skipped a beat, and he became uneasy.He interceded for Hou Yasukuni, just to let those who followed him see his loving and righteous side, so that they would agree with him more, and even follow him wholeheartedly.

But he didn't expect that the emperor would be so angry.In this way, he did not gain more than he lost.

But he had reached this point, and he wanted to go back, but he couldn't.I had no choice but to bite the bullet and wait for the emperor's next anger.

The emperor stared at Shangguan Ping fiercely, feeling that for the first time he had hurt him for nothing for so many years.

Knowing that he intends to suppress Yasukuni Marquis, he still came to demolish him. Why?
The emperor calmed down while thinking.Once a person calms down, there will be more things to think about.

His gaze shifted from Jingguohou to Shangguanping, and gradually became darker.

It turned out that he had been blinded all the time, and it turned out that Shangguanping also had ideas.

It seems that this Yasukuni Marquis cannot stay any longer.

Thinking about it, the emperor's eyes turned cold, and he said calmly: "Honor Jing, since King Ping begged for you, I will forgive you for now. But from now on, you don't have to come to court again."

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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