The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 730: Early Chaos

Chapter 730 Early Chaos ([-])

The descendants of the Su family also came one after another. Seeing Su Jinian like this, they were also terrified. They all became anxious and said, "Yes, father, what happened, tell us all about it." , so that everyone has a score in their hearts."

"That's right, father-in-law. Now the Su family depends on you, you can't fall down. Otherwise, how will the Su family live with hundreds of people?"

"Grandpa, you can't scare us."

"Grandpa, are you okay?"

Everyone's chattering voices sounded in the room, making Su Jinian even more irritable, and shouted: "Get out, get out of here."

He hasn't recovered yet, why did the emperor abandon him all of a sudden?Anyway, he was born and died with the emperor.How to say give up and give up?

Everyone in the Su family didn't expect Su Jinian to get angry, they all froze, stared at him blankly, and wanted to say something more.

But when he met Su Ji Nian's ugly face, he didn't dare to say any more.

On the contrary, Mrs. Su saw her husband like this, and knew that he was unhappy, so she said to her children and grandchildren: "You go back first, I will stay here with him."

"Old lady, is this okay?"

"Mother, is father okay?"

"Don't worry, I'm here. You all go back." Mrs. Su waved at the crowd and told them to back off.

Although the descendants of the Su family were somewhat unwilling, they did not dare to disobey the old lady's wishes, and left one by one.

Of course, after they left, they didn't stay idle, and each asked the people around him to go out to find out what happened to Zao Chaoshang.

The children and grandchildren left, and the room became quiet. Mrs. Su sat in front of the bed, quietly accompanying Su Jinian.

Looking at his vicissitudes of life, she sighed in her heart as she thought about the deterioration of the Jingguo Houfu every year.Thinking of the daughter who had fallen out of favor in the palace, I couldn't help but feel sad, and couldn't help but shed tears.

Su Jinian was thinking about his own thoughts, but suddenly he heard a sob, and then came back to his senses.

When I saw it, I found that it was the old wife who was crying, and my heart stopped, and I asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Mrs. Su glanced at Su Jinian, but didn't speak, but cried even more fiercely.

When Su Jinian saw his old wife crying so hard, he panicked immediately, and didn't care about his own thoughts. He sat up from the bed and asked anxiously, "Ma'am, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?" Are you crying?"

"Isn't it because of you?" Mrs. Su accepted it as soon as she saw it. After all, she was still crying at such an old age, and it made people laugh when she said it.

Su Jinian was stunned, and blurted out, "Because of me? What happened to me?"

"What do you think is wrong with you? When you come back, you don't care about anyone, and you still look like you have nothing to love." Mrs. Su gave Su Jinian a blank look, and said angrily.

She was indeed frightened by Su Jinian just now, she didn't answer questions and ignored him.

Su Jinian sighed, knowing that he would cry again if he didn't tell Mrs. Su, so he had to tell her about what happened at the court this morning.

"What? The emperor asked you not to go to court in the future?"

Mrs. Su was shocked when she heard what happened.All along, because of the relationship between Concubine Su and Shangguanping, the emperor treated the Su family fairly well.

Even if there is no military power, it is not neglected.

But now, the emperor doesn't just want to snub the Su family, but to abandon the Su family.

Why is that?
Mrs. Su couldn't figure it out, she looked at Su Jinian with a puzzled look on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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