The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 737 Who Is The Oriole

Chapter 737 Who Is the Oriole ([-])

It's really hard for him to say that even the general is out, and the military order is not accepted.

But, did he think that he would have nothing to do with him?
Hmm, just wait and see.

"Of course!" Nangong Yueli touched her nose unnaturally, not daring to look at Shangguan Yuntian.He also knew that it was a bit far-fetched for him to say that.

But it was related to the interests of Nan'an country, but he had to say so.

"Since this is the case, what His Royal Highness is doing at this time has nothing to do with Nan'an Kingdom? In this case, this king has to report to the emperor, asking him to send another letter of credence to King Nan'an, and asking him to send someone who can represent Nan'an. People from the country are coming."

Shangguan Yuntian ruthlessly defeated the opponent.

Hearing this, Nangong Yueli's face instantly turned ugly. He never thought that he would actually dig a hole for himself.

And it's a huge hole.

damn it!
Nangong Yueli cursed in a low voice, thinking of countermeasures.

By this time, he already knew that his previous idea would not work.While feeling reconciled in his heart, he became a little more afraid of Shangguan Yuntian.

In the past, he never regarded Shangguan Yuntian as an opponent, because in his eyes, Shangguan Yuntian was almost a useless person, or a dead person.

After all, that poison is the secret medicine of Nan'an Kingdom, and no one who was poisoned has ever survived.

Although later he also heard that the poison on Shangguan Yuntian's body had been cured, but he didn't quite believe it.He didn't take this matter to heart, let alone the other party.

It wasn't until now that he came into contact with Shangguan Yuntian that he realized that the other party was a rare opponent.

It stands to reason that he should be happy to meet an opponent who is equal to him.But at this moment, Nangong Yueli couldn't be happy at all.

After a while, Nangong Yueli suppressed the thoughts in her head, spoke again, and said, "King Yun, I'm sorry, but the prince was thinking about it earlier. Regarding this matter, I don't know how your country plans to deal with it? "

Seeing Nangong Yueli let go, Shangguan Yuntian hooked his lips and took out the terms he had prepared before.

"The handling method, I have written it here, His Royal Highness can take a look." Shangguan Yuntian pushed the paper towards Nangong Yueli, so that he could see it more clearly.

Nangong Yueli looked at the paper pushed in front of her suspiciously.When he saw the contents clearly, his expression changed again and again.

It turned out to be prepared.

This Shangguan Yuntian was indeed difficult to deal with.

Nangong Yueli read the terms inside while thinking, the more he looked at him, the more ugly his face became, until he finished reading all the terms, then he looked away, and said: "King Yun, your terms are inevitable. Somewhat excessive."

"I don't think so." Shangguan Yuntian looked at Nangong Yueli with a calm expression.As the injured party, he did not feel that these terms were excessive.

On the contrary, he also felt that these terms were too benevolent, and if he really followed his own meaning, the content would be much harsher.

In the past, Yehuang felt that it was a bit too strict after reading it, and made some revisions to get the current paper.

"It seems that King Yun has no sincerity for peace talks." Nangong Yueli's expression was very bad. Although Nangongchen did make a mistake, the terms not only required compensation, but also had to cede the city, which he couldn't accept.

"His Royal Highness, you are wrong. Dazhao Kingdom is very sincere. You are the ones who are not sincere." Shangguan Yuntian said coldly, and in Nangong Yueli's perplexity, he took out another piece of paper from his body.

(End of this chapter)

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